

Will the palace of the Tyszkiewicz family in Landwarow be saved?

The palace of the Tyszkiewicz family in Landwarow was bought years ago by a private investor, however it yet has to see any refurbishments, as both the palace and the
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55 Years of Polish Philology: Department Has Strongly Developed

The Polish Philology has been an important centre of shaping the Polish intelligentsia in Lithuania, said Henryka Sokołowska, the Head of the Polish Language, Culture Study and Didactics Centre at
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Contest for a paper on national minorities

Department of National Minorities to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania has funded awards for college graduates who have prepared the best academic works dedicated to the theme of
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Polish Education Problems in Lithuania as Subject of Polish Senate Session

Issues of Polish education in the East, including Lithuania, were the subject of a session held on Monday by the Emigration Affairs and Contacts with Poles Abroad Committee functioning as
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The Ministry is ready for the accreditation of Lelewel and Syrokomla Schools

Ministry of Education is ready to make a positive decision regarding the accreditation of J.Lelewel and Wł. Syrokomla. The schools should receive the accreditation before January, 2017. Schools in Zujūnų
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Accreditation of Lelewel and Syrokomla Schools. Conference in Ministry of Education

Accreditation of Polish schools in Lithuania, including the Władysław Syrokomla School and Joachim Lelewel School, was the subject of the meeting that took place on Tuesday at the Ministry of
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Uncertain Future of Joachim Lelewel School in Vilnius

Pursuant to the Vilnius Council’s decision, the Joachim Lelewel Secondary School at 33 Antokolska Street is to begin the 2016-2017 school year in another building. However, it has still not
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Official inauguration of Juliusz Słowacki’s Junior High School in Bezdany

Banner fluttering in the wind, finely dressed students and pompous music gathered the society of Bezdany and their guests during the ceremonial inauguration of Juliusz Słowacki’s Junior High School in
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“Macierz Szkolna” indignant at disrespect for Polish language

The Association of Polish Schools Teachers “Macierz Szkolna” in Lithuania is indignant at culpable errors made in a Polish text included in standardised tests for eight-grade students. It addressed a
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Konarski School still without a headmaster

In October last year a long-standing headmaster of the Szymon Konarski Secondary School handed in her resignation. However, a competition for the position has not been announced so far, and
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