

J. I. Kraszewski Junior High School- in the international school cooperation project.

J. I. Kraszewski Junior High School in Vilnius along with schools from Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Poland, and Greece takes part in the “Erasmus+” project called “Geocaching In and Out
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„Reitingai” magazine- Polish schools among the best ones in Lithuania

Lithuanian magazine called “Reitingai” again made a juxtaposition of best schools in Lithuania. In the ranking there are junior high schools assessed considering the best matura exam results that were
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Radczenko: In the field of education Lithuania is inevitably falling down

The holiday period is a time when we would like to write and talk only about positive things, to transmit only good news. Unfortunately, news often come in pairs and
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Lithuanian syllabuses were unified but still there are no course books available.

The controversial school reform- adopted in 2011- comes into force with some struggles. According to its assumptions students of Polish schools starting from 2013 will be taking an unified exam
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Poland’s annotation about Polish schools in Lithuania

Today the editorial board of L24 uncovered the annotation that has been addressed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Warsaw on
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The war atmosphere enters schools of Lithuania

An educational book “Security and defense of the country” prepared by the Military Academy of Lithuania was presented today in the Jonas Basanavičius Junior High School in Vilnius. The book
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The inauguration of an academic year in the branch of UwB in Vilnius: the reason

On Wednesday afternoon in the House of Polish Culture in Vilnius was held an inauguration of academic year 2016/2017 in a Vilnius department of the University in Bialystok. The ceremony
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“Syrokomlówka” on a straightway to lower secondary school

The Władysław Syrokomla High School has started the process of accreditation of the curriculum of high education. The council of Vilnius informed, that the application of accreditation was addressed to
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Participants of the action: „Lelewel” has to stay in Antokol

We will not be frightened when  we will be asked to take our staff, because they transport  furniture – we are not going to leave this place, “Lelewel” has to
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Vilnius region and Poles in PKD: national and economic problems

Discussing, in Polish Discussion Club (PKD), on problems concerning Vilnius region and Polish diaspora in Lithuania invited politicians, unfortunately mainly focused on social-economic sphere. The guests of yesterday’s discussion, which
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