A Statement by the Press Office of Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania

The recent provocative statements made by Gediminas Grina, head of the Security Department, and the leader of parliamentary National Security and Defence, Arvydas Anuszauskas,accusing the minorities in Lithuania of being
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Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania accuses conservatives and appeals to keep calm

After Sunday incident at Rossa  cemetery a special statement of Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania  was published. The Party faults that a part of Lithuanian politics stir up social
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Adam Michnik participates in the debate: The truth became Polish or Lithuanian only

“We say one thing, we think the other and we do something opposite” – that is professor’s Alvydas Jokubaitis, the philosopher comment about Lithuanian policy towards Poland and Polish policy
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Radczenko: Nationalism equals idiocy

Stupidity has no particular nationality, whereas undoubtedly, its ultimate form is nationalism. What is even worse, idiocy is infinite and everybody who visited Rasos and saw the Columns of Giediminas
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The Columns of Gediminas on Józef Piłsudski’s tomb

Last weekend, presumably on Saturday night (16/17 June), unknown perpetrators painted the Columns of Gediminas on Józef Piłsudski’s tomb in Rasos Cemetery. The police have launched an investigation. “We consider
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Podlasie Region | Polish children from Lithuania will come on holidays

Polish children from Lithuanian children’s homes who were spending Christmas and holidays staying with Polish families from Bialystok will have possibility to come to Poland again. “Open home” Association from
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An open letter: Do not let the Lithuanian authorities to build the artificial relations

The representatives of Polish Universities and Polish artists signed an open letter defending Polish minority in Lithuania. The letter was written and signed as reaction to establishment of the Forum
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Defence of Poles in Lithuania by Polish intellectuals

Discrimination of Poles in Lithuania is one of the important subjects discussed in Poland. Yesterday in “Rzeczpospolita” which is one of the most opinion – forming newspapers, an open letter
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Declaration of establishing the Forum of Dialogue and Polish-Lithuanian co-operation

From centuries Poland and Lithuania have been bound by history and culture ties. Falling apart of this union would be hard to imagine; of union which is stronger than any
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An open letter to the authors of the Forum of Dialogue and Co-operation with Lithuania

We received the declaration appointing the Forum of Dialogue and Co-operation with Lithuania with great interest, hope and care. The level of many countries mutual relations both regarding intensity as
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