Kurier Wileński

Population census: Poles remain the largest national minority in the country

The largest number of people live in Vilnius and Vilnius County, moreover Poles continue to be the largest national minority in Lithuania – according to data from the census of
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From Mickevičius to Mickiewicz. The President of Lithuania Nausėda has signed original name spelling bill

Lithuanian President, Gitanas Nausėda, has signed into law the bill on the original spelling of non-Lithuanian names in Latin-based characters, approved by the Lithuanian Parliament. The amended law provides that
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Compulsory ‘Matura exam’ from Polish language comes back

Sidenote from translator: Matura is a Latin name for the high school exit exam or “maturity diploma” in various European countries, including Albania, Austria, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the
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The Fate of National Minorities Act

“Common historic road of people of different nationalities living in Lithuania is closely connected with the fate of Lithuanian nation and therefore conditions determine the identity of common goals” –
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Will new school reform strike at Polish education?

Education department is preparing another reform concerning chain of schools in Lithuania. One of its primary goals is close-down of merged classes. Changes also apply to Polish schools in Lithuania.
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Constitution of May 3, work of many nations. Conference of Polish Scientists in Lithuania.

Constitution of May 3, whom 230. anniversary we celebrated this year, was a child of its age. It came into existence based on discussion and with a compromise between elites
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The Rebirth of Polish Students’ Union

‘Everyone says college years are the best time in life. I hope that Polish Students’ Union we want to renew will contribute to it so it will actually be this
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Polish and Lithuanian diplomas ought to be recognised automatically

The two-day visit to Lithuania of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland Wojciech Murdzek concluded with the signing of the “Agreement on mutual recognition
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Lithuanian authorities don’t want to support Polish minority press

The Lithuanian Press, Radio, and Television Support Fund has announced the results of the distribution of subsidies from the state budget for the media in Lithuania in 2020. As a
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After reports in the media, Jarosław Wołkonowski dismissed from the University of Bialystok [UwB]

Dr hab. Jarosław Wołkonowski, who seemed to be inseparably connected with the Vilnius branch of UwB, no longer lectures at the university. As one of the branch’s employees informed the
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