Kurier Wileński

Polish Prime Minister defends Poles in Lithuania

„The Lithuanian language became a hostage of the political arrangements of the governing coalition. A controversial Lithuanian language exam transforms into demands that divide the country. And at the same
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The penultimate exposé of President Grybauskaitė

A total criticism of the current government, which is unfavourable to the president, and a praise of the previous one. Not a single word of a self-criticism, only an exclamation
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Pilgrimage for the beatification of priest Józef Obrembski

On 7th June the pilgrimage from Turgiele (Turgeliai) set off to Maišiagala, a town in which the saintly priest Obrembski lived as servant of God. The singing pilgrimages prayed earnestly
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20th international poetry festival not over until September

The international poetry festival, always exciting and filled with interesting meetings, is going to be held not only in Vilnius as it used to be during the last twenty years.
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The assassination with Vilnius backgruand

The 7th of June 1927, comrade Rosenholz who was just relieved of his post of chargé dʹaffaires of The Soviet Union in Great Britain, was crossing Warsaw. About 9.30 the
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„Matrix” – a new recruitment procedure for officials

A new centralized procedure of officials’ recruitment, in force since the 1st of June, will supposedly provide a transparent system of hiring employees for state posts. In Lithuanian reality, it
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„My child through the lens” – contest for our lovelies

One of Dżem’s songs says that only moments of life are beautiful. Many people would like to add “especially if they are moments from our children’s lives”. We are helpless
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Vilnius District Municipality received financial support for new projects execution

Management of Vilnius District Municipality applied for a financial support for the new projects by means of using the budget of financial period of 2007-2013 years. Receiving the financial support
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Picket line on opening of European Home

On Friday, May 31, in Vilnius, there was an opening ceremony of the European Home. It was accompanied by a picket against human rights abuses. “Mr Schulz, do you want
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Another attack on a Polish school in the Trakai province

A new Power of the Trakai District Municipality on Thursday, May 30th, is planning to close a few Polish groups of pre-school education and eliminating the jobs of the deputy
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