Kurier Wileński

Trakai: Polish Flag in Secondary School attacked

An article titled “Trys valstybinės vėliavos” (Three state flags, TN) was published on June 21st in the “Trakų žemė” newspaper. Its author, Dobilas Kirvelis, was outraged that a white-and-red flag
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House of Polish Culture: Night of Culture

The Night of Culture will take place in Vilnius for the 13th time. It is an interdisciplinary event and this year over 100 events will take place during the festival,
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Association of Polish Scientists of Lithuania celebrates 30th anniversary

30 years ago, on 14 April 1989, on the wave of national rebirth, an initiative group in Vilnius established the Union of Scientists of Poles of Lithuania, later renamed the
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Journalist of “Kurier Wileński” Won Prestigious Maciej Płażyński Award

Our editorial colleague, Secretary of the publishing house “Kurier Wileński” Ilona Lewandowska has recently won Maciej Płażyński Award for “discoveries and profound descriptions of the unknown yet moving stories of
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The Unbreakable Identity of Poles in Lithuania

“We have been living outside Poland for almost 80 years, we have been subjected to strong Russian influences and now, we are also affected by the Lithuanian culture. However, our
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Poles still in the ruling coalition in Vilnius

The composition of the ruling coalition in Vilnius is already known. The coalition agreement of the capital’s local government will be signed on 11 April. Electoral Action of Poles in
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Right Decisions of Politicians Serve Well Nations

Mateusz Morawiecki, the Prime Minister of the Polish government arrived in Lithuania for a one-day visit on Saturday, April 5th. Mr. Morawiecki accompanied by the Prime Minister of Lithuania, Saulius
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The report of “Macierz Szkolna”: The policy is directed to depletion of Polish education in

In 2018/2019 the number of pupils in the first grade was 938, which represents 3.23% of the total number of pupils in the first grades in Lithuania, while the number
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Election committee on LRT’s case

The representatives of six election committees claim that state broadcaster LRT ignores them and does not provide equal opportunities to speak out, and, what is more, LRT constricts some groups
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Lithuania is the most friendly country to Ukraine

The results of the research concerning Ukrainian foreign policy, made by the non-governmental organization ‘Ukrainska Prizma’, were presented in Kyiv. The research shows that Lithuania is the most friendly country
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