• May 13, 2023
  • 406

25th Congress of the Polish Scouting Association in Lithuania

Today, the 13th of May, at the House of Polish Culture in Vilnius, the 25th  Reporting and Election Congress of the Polish Scouting Association in Lithuania took place. The most important task of the Congress was to elect a new authority of the Union between Congresses, i.e. the Board, as well as the Audit Committee, as well as the Scout Court.

During the congress, a new authority of the Polish Scouting Association in Lithuania was elected.

 “It’s extremely important to make demands on yourself even when no one else is demanding of you. Scouting is a path on which, of course, it is fun and pleasant, but it is also a path on which you constantly set yourself requirements and build your life on the right values, Christian values”, emphasized the Polish Ambassador to Lithuania, Konstanty Radziwiłł, who was present at the event.

 “Your Scouting Association here in Lithuania has an additional task of building and developing Polishness. You have to be good Lithuanian citizens, but remember that you are also Poles – this is an extraordinary, great task. I encourage you to treat it as something very important. Thank you for everything you do”, the ambassador concluded.

The Polish Scouting Association in Lithuania is one of the largest and most active Polish youth organizations in Lithuania. This organization nurtures the idea of ​​scouting, Polish traditions, educates youth in the spirit of love for neighbor and homeland, in the desire to serve others, as well as cares for the personal development of girl and boy scouts.

Translated by Dominika Mucha within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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