- April 11, 2023
- 395
“Nonviolent 2023” awareness month in Awizieniai gymnasium
Between the 6th and the 31st of March events and educational activities were held in Awizieniai gymnasium. The aim of it was to increase the awareness of the gymnasium community about the violence.
Lectors from Lithuanian Society of Deaf (pol. Litewskie Towarzystwo Głuchych) and project called “Mind the mind” (pol. „Bacz na myśl”) visited the gymnasium. Whole school community took part in an action called “A Week of Colourful Feelings” (pol. „Tydzień kolorowych uczuć”) and “Colourful Socks” (pol. „Kolorowe Skarpetki”). Older students conducted educational classes and creative workshops for primary school students. There was also a friendly sport action called “ We Train Together” (pol. „Ćwiczymy wspólnie”). Students from classes 5ac-7ac took tests on the topic “Beat the Violence” (pol. „Pokonać przemoc). Students from classes 0ac-4ac, together with their parents, made works on the topic “In the Land of Magic Words” (pol. „W krainie magicznych słów”), and students from classes 5ac-11gac made posters on the topic “School without Violence” (pol. „Szkoła bez przemocy”).
As a part of preventive classes, the branch of our gymnasium in Dukszty was visited by officers from the Police Station of the Vilnus District, who conducted a training with students on “Interpersonal Communication and Ways to Deal with Violence” (pol. „Komunikacja interpersonalna i sposoby radzenia sobie z przemocą”). Pupils of the “Butterflies” and “Bees” pre-school and school education department made bracelets and postcards, which they presented to friends from another group.
The aim of the events and activities was to promote respect and friendly relations between the gymnasium community. We would like to thank everyone, who contributed to the realisation of raising awareness “Nonviolent 2023” in Awizieniai gymnasium and in the branch of the primarily classes in Duszkty gymnasium.
Translated by Dominika Mucha within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.