• November 6, 2018
  • 700

Lithuanian language lessons in preschool

The Ministry of Education and Science intends to introduce the obligatory teaching of the Lithuanian language, writes the daily “Lietuvos žinios”.

According to the program in preschools, at least five hours a week is to be devoted to teaching the Lithuanian language. The ministry needs an additional 213,1 thousand euro in 2019 and 639 thousand euros in 2020 for implementation of the program.

Now only four hours of Lithuanian are in preschool groups so-called “reception class”. In addition, teaching Lithuanian can be introduced at the parents’ request.
The chairman of the parliamentary Committee of Education and Science, Eugenijus Jovaiš, is convinced that the program will trigger heated discussions.

Translated by Iryna Lehenka within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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