- May 10, 2018
- 566
Project of the Polish Institute in the finals of the “Historical Event of the Year” competition
Polish-Lithuanian educational project of the Polish Institute in Vilnius “Poland and Lithuania — on the one road. The places and people that bring us together” was in the finals of the “Historical Event of the Year 2017” competition organized by the Museum of the History of Poland. The winner will be chosen via online voting. We therefore invite you to vote for the Institute’s project. You can vote until 17th of May!
The project, which was implemented by Polish Institute in Vilnius and Lithuanian Centre of Informal Education in 2017, was awarded in the category “Education and Multimedia”. The project was addressed to the students of classes 6-11 in all schools in Lithuania. A total of 127 students from 22 Polish, Lithuanian and Russian schools from all over Lithuania took part, forming a total of 31 working groups. As part of the project, participants were searching in their area for places, events and historical figures testifying to the common Polish-Lithuanian history. On the basis of their research, the students were asked to prepare interesting educational routes, which made up the bilingual website www. bendrukeliu.lt. The aim of the website is to encourage people to visit Lithuania and follow the common Polish-Lithuanian history.
The project “Poland and Lithuania — on the one road. The places and people that bring us together” was a continuation of educational projects initiated by the Polish Institute in previous years for students of schools with different teaching languages. The project ” Czesław Miłosz – Reading Schools” took place in 2012. The young Lithuanians, Poles and Russians discovered together the work of the Lithuanian-born Nobel Prize winner. In 2014, as part of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the January Uprising, the Polish Institute in Vilnius initiated and implemented a nationwide project “Adopting Monuments of the January Uprising”, which encouraged students from Lithuanian schools to study the local history related to the January Uprising. In total, almost 700 students took part in these projects.
“The Historical Event of the Year” is a contest organized by the Polish History Musem in cooperation with the historia.org.pl website. The aim of the competition is to mark the organizers, creators and initiators of the most interesting historical undertakings promoting the history and culture of Poland. This year’s edition attracted over 200 entries from all over Poland and abroad, including Austria, Belgium, Belarus, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, the United States of America, Sweden, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. The jury selected 15 most important projects in three categories: “Event”, “Exhibition” and “Education and multimedia”.
In the second stage everyone can vote – and it is the Internet users who will decide about the final results. We are waiting for your votes until 17th May. To vote, go to the website: http://whr.muzhp. pl/#vote and, by selecting the photos of a given project in the upper left corner, select one event from all three categories: “Education and Multimedia”, “Event”, “Exhibition”, then click on the ‘vote’ button. In case of any problems with the website, please use the “Chrome” or “Firefox” browser.
Translated by Aleksandra Jackiewicz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.