• December 14, 2016
  • 600

Defense Ministers of Poland and Lithuania will meet

Yesterday, December 13, a new Defense Minister of Lithuania Raimundas Karoblis was sworn in the Seimas. Before the solemn  ceremony of change of ministers Raimundas Karoblis will meet his Polish counterpart – Antoni Macierewicz.

On December 15, Raimundas Karoblis will visit Poland, where he will attend a meeting on the sidelines of exercises of LITPOLUKRBRIG – The Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade and he will meet the Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz.

Ministers will meet in a military range in Nowa Dęba.

After returning from Poland the new head of the Lithuanian Ministry of Defense will take part in a solemn ceremony of taking the lead in the ministry.

48-year-old Raimundas Karoblis is a lawyer, he was an ambassador of Lithuania to the World Trade Organization and the European Union. He also was a deputy foreign minister.

Translated by Agnieszka Drabik within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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