• August 25, 2016
  • 726

The numbering of the parties for the ticket decided from a draw

There has been a draw in the Parliament of Lithuania that decided about the numbers which the parties will get on the ballot papers. Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance will be on the tickets under the number 11. 1461 candidates will take part in the parliamentary election in October. In the multinominal districts there will be 14 electoral lists issued.

In the presence of the members of the Central Electoral Commission, the representatives of the parties participating in the election drew the numbers for their parties. And so under number one will be The Social Democratic Party of Lithuania (Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija, LSDP), number two: The Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats (Tėvynės sąjunga – Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai, TS-LKD), number three: The Lithuanian Freedom Union (Liberals) (Lietuvos Laisvės Sąjunga (Liberalai), LLS, number four: a coalition of the parties; Young Lithuania and The Lithuanian Nationalist Union (LTS) and National Coalition “Against Coruption and Poverty” (Partijos “Jaunoji Lietuva” ir Tautininkų sąjungos S. Buškevičiaus ir tautininkų koalicija “Prieš korupciją ir skurdą”), number five: Party Order and Justice (Partija tvarka ir teisingumas, PTT), formerly the Liberal Democratic Party (Liberalų Demokratų Partija, LDP), number six: The Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union (Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga, LVŽS; formerly Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union, Lithuanian: Lietuvos valstiečių liaudininkų sąjunga, LVLS), number seven: The Liberal Movement (Liberalų Sąjūdis), formally the Liberals’ Movement of the Republic of Lithuania(Lietuvos Respublikos Liberalų sąjūdis – LRLS), number eight: The Labour Party (Darbo Partija, DP), number nine: The Way of Courage (Drąsos Kelias), number ten: Lithuanian People’s Party (Lietuvos liaudies partija), number eleven: Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance (Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija – Krikščioniškų šeimų sąjunga)(AWPL-ZChR), number twelve: The Lithuanian Green Party (Lietuvos Žaliųjų Partija, LŽP), number thirteen: The Political Party “The List of Lithuania” (“Lietuvos sąrašas”), number fourteen: an Anti-Corruptive Coalition of the Lithuanian Centre Party and the Lithuanian Retirees Party of Kristupas Krivickas and Naglis Puteikis (Lietuvos centro partijos ir Lietuvos pensininkų partijos Antikorupcinė Kristupo Krivicko ir Naglio Puteikio koalicija).

The eleventh number for the AWPL-ZChr was drew by the starost of the fraction Rita Tamašunienė.

Over 1461 candidates will compete for the 141 seats in the parliament. The chairman of the Central Electoral Commission, Zenonas Vaigauskas, humourously said that “the competition is smaller if compared with the previous elections: there is one mandate per 10 candidates, in 2012 there were 13,6 candidates per seat”. The average age of a candidate is 49 years old. Among the applicants who are going for a parliamentary mandate, 31% are women.

The voters will be allowed to choose candidates from fourteen lists. Twelve parties will start the elections independently. Four parties formed two coalitions. Furthermore, all of the parties will be represented by the candidates in all of the uninominal regions.

The parliamentary elections will take place in Lithuania on the 9th of October.

Translated by Weronika Cysdorf within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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