• June 15, 2016
  • 513

Will the palace of the Tyszkiewicz family in Landwarow be saved?

The palace of the Tyszkiewicz family in Landwarow was bought years ago by a private investor, however it yet has to see any refurbishments, as both the palace and the park are slowly crumbling. Parliament’s Committee of Education and Culture made an offer to the government to seize the palace.

Head of the committee, Raimundas Paliukas, proposed that the palace and the park should come into government’s disposition, while the government of the Trakai District Municipality should sketch a few possible ways of developing the site.

„If nothing is going to change, then we will be able to deploy bulldozers, level all of the building and see lordly mansions appearing all over the place by the end of the next term“, said Paliukas.

A few weeks ago, vice president of the parliament, Jarosław Narkiewicz, has organized a field assembly that aimed at familiarizing the deputies with the condition of the palace.

In the past months, the mayor of the Trakai District Municipality, Edita Rudelienė, was interviewed by the „Znad Wilii“ radio. In her statement she said that the present Lithuanian government does not understand the necessity to rescue the Tyszkiewicz family’s palace in Landwarow.

Translated by Jan Moryń within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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