• March 18, 2016
  • 458

Dominika Wasilewska from the Władysław Syrokomla High School won the Polish Language Olympiad

Dominika Wasilewska from the Władysław Syrokomla High School won the XXVII Literature and Polish Language Olympiad. Dominika was unable to collect the prize in person because during the announcement of results she participated in the Chemistry Olympiad. 31 students from 11-12 grades of the Polish schools in the Vilnius region were competing to win the XXVII Literature and Polish Language Olympiad in Lithuania.

Dominika Wasilewska, the winner of this year’s Olympiad of Literature and Polish Language is currently a student of the 11th grade. During this school year she also participated in the English Language Olympiad and the Biology Olympiad. She did not manage to get to Biała Waca for the announcement of results, only for the closing ceremony – straight from the Chemistry Olympiad. Dominika dreams of studying medicine and she is consistently making preparations for it, “Polish is my native language, I love it, I am proud to be Polish. I treated the participation in the Olympiad as paying homage to the Polish language” – she told “Wilnoteka”.

Dominika was prepared to participate in the Polish Language Olympiad by Łucja Minowicz. As many as nine students of this Polish studies teacher participated in this year’s competition, three of whom were among the winners.

This year’s Polish Language Olympiad was dedicated to the 170th anniversary of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s birth and the 100th anniversary of his death and the 70th anniversary of Stanisław Barańczak’s birth. While preparing for the contest, the participants had to deepen two main topics: “Timeless values in Henryk Sienkiewicz’s “Trilogy” and “Stanisław Barańczak – the witness and creator of his era”. The competition struggle was held at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences and the host of the closing ceremony and the announcement of the winners’ surnames was the Eliza Orzeszkowa Junior High School in Biała Waca (the Šalčininkai region).

The XXVII Literature and Polish Language Olympiad’s participants were 31 students from the Vilnius schools, from regions: Vilnius, Šalčininkai and Švenčionys. As every year, they wrote essays on the first day and delivered oral presentations on the topics concerning the history of literature and linguistics on the second day.

As noted Dr. Irena Masojć from the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, the chairperson of the contest committee, the oral presentations were better than essays. The best essay – the one of the Olympiad’s winner received 38 points (the total score was 40), but there were many highly evaluated oral presentations.

The 10 chosen winners will go to Warsaw in April, where they will represent Lithuania in the nationwide Literature and Polish Language Olympiad in Poland.

The winners of the XXVII Literature and Polish Language Olympiad are:

I place – Dominika Wasilewska, the Władysław Syrokomla High School, teacher Łucja Minowicz

II place – Karolina Słotwińska, the Władysław Syrokomla High School, teacher Łucja Minowicz; Magdalena Bielawska, the Adam Mickiewicz Junior High School in Vilnius, teacher Bożena Borowska

III place – Konrad Żytkowski, the Józef Ignacy Kraszewski Junior High School in Vilnius, teacher Joanna Szczygłowska; Adriana Wołosewicz, the Władysław Syrokomla High School in Vilnius, teacher Łucja Minowicz; Agnieszka Sobieska, the St. Rafał Kalinowski Junior High School in Nemėžis, teacher Beata Polakowska

Distinctions: Marzena Wiszniewska, the Józef Ignacy Kraszewki Junior High School in Vilnius, teacher Joanna Szczygłowska; Agnieszka Weronika Górska, the Adam Mickiewicz Junior High School (the Lazdynai Elementary School), teacher Jolanta Kuźmicka; Izabela Maksymowicz, the Jan Paweł II Junior High School in Vilnius, teacher Anna Jasińska; Julia Grejt, the Józef Ignacy Kraszewski Junior High School in Vilnius, teacher Joanna Szczygłowska.

All the participants of the Olympiad and their teachers were given gifts, and the winners – diplomas and prizes. Prior to their going to Warsaw, they will take part in workshops at the Lithuanian University of Education Sciences (LEU). The Polish studies lecturers in Vilnius: at LEU and at the Vilnius University will deliver lectures and provide the winners with individual consultations, which will help to prepare them for the nationwide Olympiad in Poland.

Based on: own information.

Translated by Diana Dymel within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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