• December 17, 2015
  • 466

Next Teachers’ Strike in January

The government are failing to take the interest of teachers into account. Moreover, they show no desire to solve the problems related to national minority schools – and that is why a three week strike is planned for the end of January, announced the Education Trade Union.

The demands have not changed: from January the funds per pupil must be increased to 1, 045 Euros – and from September this figure should rise to 1, 093 Euros. Amongst other things, the demands are:  the gradual increase of teaching salaries from early childhood education, with an increase to the basic salary of all education staff and 3.5 million Euros in compensation in next year’s budget for those teachers at retirement age who decide to bring a close to their teaching career.

The Ministry of Education estimated that they would require additional funding of a million Euros each year to satisfy those demands. In their opinion this sum is impossible to reach. However, according to the unions,  the actual sum necessary would be much lower.

Translated by Angelika Gucik within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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