• September 18, 2015
  • 506

The fourth edition of the Polish Business Awards

The Trade and Investment Promotion Sections of Polish Embassy in Vilnius for the fourth time organises the Polish Business Awards. As it was in previous editions, in this one an independent jury completed from a group of Lithuanian and Polish economics journalists and the representatives of the businessmen organisations will award companies that have success on the field of Polish-Lithuanian economic cooperation.

Everyone who is willing can nominate companies to take part in the competition.

In order to nominate you only need to fill a short form available for download at the Trade and Investment Promotion Sections of Polish Embassy in Vilnius’ website https://vilnius.trade.gov.pl/pl/ and then send it to the Section’s mail vilnius@trade.gov.pl. One person can send a few nominations. We wait for the applications until the 23rd of October 2015.

In this year’s edition winners in 5 categories will by chosen by the jury:

1) Joint Project. In this category the award will go to the best project realised in cooperation by the companies from Poland and Lithuania.

2) Transaction of the Year. In this category the award will go to the most interesting transaction made by the Polish company on the Lithuanian market in the past year.

3) Market Success. In this category the award will go to the company with the best long-term success in Lithuanian market with the consideration of acquired position on the market, stability of the income, clients liking etc.

4) Small Entrepreneur’s Market Success. In this category the award will go to the small or medium company described in the Polish Act on Freedom of Business Activity from the 2nd of July 2004 with the success in the Lithuanian market with the consideration of acquired position on the market, stability of the income, clients liking etc.

5) Distributor of the Year. In this category the jury will award the most successful Lithuanian distributor of Polish products.

The Polish vice-PM, Minister of Economy, Janusz Piechociński took a patronage over the competition while the journal “Dziennik. Gazeta Prawna” provides media patronage. This year’s jury line-up is as follows: Andrzej Malinowski (president of the Employers of Poland), Rūta Skyrienė (executive director of “Investors Forum”), Dominika Sikora-Malicka (assistant chief editor of “Dziennik. Gazeta Prawna”), Rolandas Barysas (chief editor of „Verslo žinios”) and Rimantas Šidlauskas (president of the Association of Lithuanian Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts). As a reminder, last year, the companies competed for the awards in six categories and the winners were: PZU S.A. (Investition of the Year), UAB Investbudas Lt (Debut of the Year), Mostostal Zabrze S.A. (Transaction of the Year), PLL LOT S.A. (Market Success), UAB Prefita (Small Entrepreneur’s Market Success), UAB Osama (Distributor of the Year). The awards were presented by Jerzy Witold Pietrewicz (the secretary of the state in the Ministry of Economy of Poland), Kęstutis Trečiokas (the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania), Rokas Masiulis (the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania), Virginija Baltraitienė (the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania), Gediminas Onaitis (vice-Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania) and Jarosław Czubiński (Polish ambassador).

Traditionally, during the ceremony there will be prizes distributed by lot to the audience. Last year the prizes were: a flight in a hot air balloon funded by Mostostal Zabrze S.A., a tablet funded by Inwestbud Holding sp. z o.o. sp. k., a set of engine oils and gadgets with the signing by Robert Kubica funded by Lotos Geonafta and sets of apiarian products funded by UAB Ekspostatyba.

The award ceremony will take place on the 23rd of November 2015 in Pirklių klubas, Gedimino pr. 35, Vilnius.

The Trade and Investment Promotion Sections of Polish Embassy in Vilnius invites every company that works in the field of Polish-Lithuanian economic cooperation to participate in the competition and also to nominate and commend the candidates for awards.

Translated by Marcin Wus within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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