• June 4, 2015
  • 629

Lithuanian World Community against referendum on the issue of dual citizenship

The committee of Lithuanian World Community and Seimas has adopted a resolution in which appeals to MPs to vote against referendum on the issue of dual citizenship. Lithuanian Emigration representatives claim that they must find other way of validation of dual citizenship.

The Parliament begun a discussion on the proposal put forward by the Liberal Movement to hold a referendum on the issue of dual citizenship. It would be held in Autumn 2016, with the Parliament elections. Validating dual citizenship however, requires changes to the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania.

This topic was touched upon Lithuanian World Community and Seimas Committee. At the end of the debate, the resolution which states that “Parliament should use any opportunity to discuss and draft laws allowing to have a dual citizenship without any changes in constitution” has been adopted.

“At the moment, there is no time for referendum on the issue of dual citizenship. We all know that this refendum wouldn’t take place, so it is pointless to spend money that could have been used for the military purposes. – commented Lithuanian World Community representative, Regina Narušienė.

President Dalia Grybauskaitė annual address said about the need of validating dual citizenship. She also supports the possibility of keeping the Lithuanian citizenship by residents of other countries. “No awards, no grants, just to have privilege to one of the most important passport entries. In this case the good will of the whole nation is needed” – said President.

Based on: BNS

Translated by Adam Adamowicz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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