- May 21, 2015
- 580
National Minority Day in Lithuania

For the second time the Commonwealth Day is celebrated in Lithuania. The celebration is initiated in Lithuania by deputy of Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania, Leonard Talmont.
The celebration of Commonwealth Day will take place in Vilnius on Monday 25th of May. For this occasion, at 5PM, the ceremony will take place in Vilnius City Hall. It is organized by National Union Council (Rada Wspólnot Narodowych) and National Union House (Dom Wspólnot Narodowych).
There are 154 nationalities residing in Lithuania. 84% of country population are Lithuanians whereas 16% are several national minorities and other countries representatives. The largest nation minority are Poles – 6.6% of the population, estimated in 2011. 5,8% are Russians and 1,2% are people from Belarus.
Very laconic occasional wishes for the national minorities were published today only on official website of Lithuanian Ministry of Culture.
World Day of Cultural Diversity appointed by UN will be celebrated on 21st of May. The aim of the celebration is to promote culture, cultural diversity and heritage – material and non-material, products of artistic industry, goods and services related to culture.
Translated by Adam Adamowicz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.