• March 18, 2015
  • 458

Polish organizations in Lithuania. Were it not for Poland…

By 2014, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to support Polish community in Lithuania has allocated 14 million PLN (3.5 million). Total last year, the Polish Foreign Ministry issued a decision in cooperation with Polonia and Poles abroad over PLN 92 million (23 million euros). Lithuanian Ministry of Culture projects operating in Lithuania Polish organizations in 2014. Supported with € 67 thousand. LTL (19 400 euros).

The largest funds – about 60 percent of the amount for the support of Polonia and Poles abroad – Polish state allocated for environmental projects implemented by Polish eastern border, including Lithuania. Projects that received funding had to pursue one of the five priorities: Polish language learning, media financing, infrastructure Polonia, the position of the Polish communities in the country of residence and maintaining relationships and contacts with Polish.

Polish language teaching in Belarus, Ukraine and Lithuania issued a total of over 6 million PLN. Polish media to support Lithuania Poland spent PLN 2.5 million on infrastructure projects Polonia spent a total of PLN 8.8 million, the largest – to invest in Lithuania. When it comes to summer camps, to a greater extent benefited from this offer children from Belarus and Ukraine. Holiday in Poland for children from Belarus spent nearly 3 million PLN, for children from Ukraine – 2.2 million PLN.

Polish social organizations in Lithuania, unfortunately, can not count on more support for its activities on the part of the Lithuanian state. In 2014. On grants to organizations of national minorities in Lithuania Ministry of Culture has allocated a total of 288 thousand. litas (over 83 thousand. euros), including about 67 thousand. litas for projects submitted by the Polish organizations. Positively issued opinions were 13 “Polish” applications. For the first half of 2015. In support of national minority organizations Lithuania spent 52 thousand. eur.

Grants received 57 projects, including 10 submitted by the Polish organizations. The allocated amount is 12.7 thousand. eur. Polish Cultural Society in Jawniunach received 800 euros for a meeting “Day of Memory”, the Association of Poles in Kiejdany – 700 euros for Saturday school, and Relief Charity Foundation “House of Polish Culture” – 1.5 thousand. euro to organize the Festival of Polish Culture, Polish Artistic Song and Dance Ensemble “Christmas Eve” – ​​2 thousand. euros to organize a concert to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the band. Association of Teachers of Polish Schools in Lithuania “Alma Mater” received funding in the amount of 900 euros for the organization of the nineteenth School Theatre Festival, Trotsky ZPL District Branch – 1.4 thousand. euros to organize a concert to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Polish Song and Dance Ensemble “Ladybug” and 1.5 thousand. per project “Our culture is beautiful like a fairy tale.” Polish Writers Association awarded a grant of 400 euros to organize the festival of poetry, while the Polish Studio Theatre in Vilnius has 2 thousand. euro for the festival, “The Ides of theater.” The band songs and dance “Wilenka” received on its activities 1.5 thousand. euro.

In July, 2015. Care of minorities in Lithuania will take over the Department of National Minorities under the Government of Lithuania. Then the competition will be announced on the financing of projects in the second half of this year.

On the basis of: msz.gov.pl, lrkm.lt

Translated by Michał Sadowski within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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