• November 12, 2014
  • 330

Projects spreading the culture of national minorities will be financed

Lithuanian Ministry of Culture announces the competition for financing projects connected with spreading the culture of national minorities

The projects are supposed to concern:

1. Spreading the culture of national minorities in Lithuania and abroad

2. Actions for the children and youth that belongs to national minorities

3. Maintaining cultural heritage of national minorities

4. The activity of Saturday and Sunday schools for national minorities

5. The development of national tolerance, the fight with racism and actions against the discrimination against nationalities

6. The integration of Romani people and caring for national identity

You can apply for financial help (the resort will finance maximum 80 per cent of the costs of a project) from 15 November 2014 to 15 December 2014. Non-profit organisations registered in Lithuania spread the culture of national minorities can apply for the financial help. Applications from natural persons will not be accepted.

To two copies of the application, you have to attach the copy of the certificate of the registration of the subject who applies for the financial help and the copy of statute.

The resort emphasises that the projects including the renovation of culture buildings or the purchase of property will not be financed.

The applications should be sent to the address of the Ministry of Culture:

Kultūros ministerija, J. Basanavičiaus g. 5, LT-01118 Vilnius.

There should be the postscript on the envelope “The Division of National Minorities” (“Tautinių mažumų reikalų skyriui”).

You can obtain detailed information on the competition from the specialists of the Division of National Minorities R. Paliukienė (8 5 219 34 03) and V. Vėželytė-Pokladova, (8 5 203 08 56).

Translated by Marta Wojtowicz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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