• March 18, 2014
  • 375

Oratory in the Local Government of Vilnius Region

© Marian Paluszkiewicz

In Vilnius region preparations are being made for the canonization of blessed John Paul II, which will take place on 27th April 2014 in Rome. Yesterday, March 18th, in boardroom of Local Government of Vilnius region, there was performed a project from “Totus Tuus Marija – All Yours Mary” series. “John Paul II – Memory-Person-Identity” conference was held. Oratory -chapel, a place of peacefulness, quiet and prayer, was opened and blessed in the building of local government. Pr. Mariusz Marszałek blessed the oratory.

“I am so happy that almost 100 percent of children from schools of Vilnius region attend to Religious Education. It testifies that Christian traditions are not unfamiliar for our youth. I am proud that they are actively participating in the series of projects devoted to John Paul II”, said Maria Rekść, mayor of Vilnius region.

Students and teachers from schools of Vilnius region, nuns and priests from Vilnius parish and priests from Poland participated in the conference. There were delivered lectures conserning life and activity of John Paul II

Ministers also attended the ceremony– Rita Tamaszuniene, leader of Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania, Jarosław Narkiewicz, vice chairman of Sejm, Leonard Talmont, representative of the Republic of Lithuania Sejm.

“Students from Vilnius region have already participated in contests devoted to the Pope – a declamatory one and a plastic one. They took part in declamatory contest “If you want to find the source, you have to go upwards, against the flow”. Students demonstrated their plastic skills by making the chaplets. They were very creative. However, it is not the end of the project realisation yet. All of those celebrations connected to the Pope’s canonization brought his person much closer to us and thanks to that he will stay in our hearts forever”, said Maria Rekść to Kurier.

As mayor pointed out, now, when there is an oratory in the building of Local Government of Vilnius Region, there is a place where it is possible to be with God in silence and prey in front of Divine Mercy painting.

“Everyone can come here with any troubles and supplications. I believe that this grace will not desert our big local government family. Although people of many nationalities work here, we feel like a family”, said mayor of Vilnius region.

The leader of Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania during the celebration of blessing the chapel pointed out that this chapel needs to be a good example for others. People have to be closer to God, because it is a Catholic country.

“Every man needs to be with God alone – both in sadness and in happiness. I believe that teams will come here to thank God for His grace. This is not only a place for workers, but also for clients, who often come here with very difficult issues”, said Rita Taszuniene.

Youth from schools of Vilnius region take part in series of projects devoted to John Paul II very happily.

“The Pope John Paul II was, is and always will be the authority for me. He was the first pilgrim Pope. He loved all the people regardless of confession and skin colour. He will stay in people hearts forever. I am very happy that I could live in times of John Paul II. He was and he is very important, though he is dead. I know a lot more now, thanks to the project of feasts devoted to memorialise the papacy of John Paul II”, said attendee of conference.

Beata Markowska, laureate of declamatory contest devoted to blessed John Paul II, from saint Stanisława Kostka Podbrzeska Secondary School, presented the sketch of John Paul II.

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2014/03/18/oratorium-w-samorzadzie-rejonu-wilenskiego/

Tłumaczenie by Beata Kanadys w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Beata Kanadys within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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