- February 4, 2014
- 361
“It is hard to asses a poem written for the drawer”. Poetry workshops at the House of Polish Culture in Lithuania

We are aiming at extending the circle of the poetic group called the New Vilnius Avant-garde. That is why we would like to gather all people who write and send us their poems – said a young poet and the member of Avant-grade Dariusz Kaplewski yesterday (February 3) during the poetry workshops at the House of polish Culture in Vilnius
Workshops which took place on Monday were the continuation of the series of meetings for young polish poets from Lithuania which are devoted to modern poetry.
“There is no sufficient information at schools, especially about modern poetry and its new forms” – explained Marzena Mackojć, a young poet from Vilnius region and one of the active participant of the New Vilnius Avant-garde.
Poets from the Avant-garde gave advices to beginners among whom were also a well-known Vilnius poet Aleksander Sokołowski. The meeting was based on the free and inspirational exchange of thoughts.
“It is hard to get to know a poem which is written fir the drawer” – noticed Kaplewski.
Brainstorming was going on in this friendly atmosphere, eating biscuits and drinking tea in the basement of the House of Polish Culture.
„Today we will experiment with music, headphones and we will attempt to create one composition” – informed Mackojć.
The meetings organized by the New Vilnius Avant-garde are a part of preparations to the World Poetry Day which is due to be held in spring 2014.
Source: http://zw.lt/kultura/trudno-ocenic-wiersz-pisany-szuflady-warsztaty-poetyckie-w-dkp/
Tłumaczenie byEwa Żakowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Ewa Żakowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.