• January 14, 2014
  • 284

It’s Landsbergis who started the anti-polish spiral

© PAP / Rafał Guz

Artur Górski, deputy of Law and Justice, vice-president of the  Parliamentary Assembly of Sejm and Senat of the Republic of Poland as well as vice-president of the Seimas of the Lithuania Republic, supported yesterday demarche of LLRA deputies during ceremonial meeting on the occasion of the Day of Freedom Defenders in Seimas and criticised Vytautas Landsbergis politics.

‘They had to protest because they do not agree to be treated uneven as a citizens of Lithuania. They are loyal citizens, they build Lithuania together, but are treated as a second-rate citizens. Fines for using polish language are the tip of the iceberg. Poles come across discrimination and harassment in their areas of life.’ – said polish politician in the conversation with ‘Our Daily.’

Yesterday, LLRA deputies left the sejm room when Vytautas Landsbergis went on rostrum. They undertook demarche as means of protesting against the delay for adopting the Act of National Minorities and imposing a fine on the director of Regional Authority of Soleczniki for not executing court judgement in case of bilingual street names. Behaviour of LLRA politicians had been criticised by the Prime Minister of Lithuania.

‘Court decision is an appeal sentence. The court, examining the lower court decision raised the fine hundredfold. Prime Minister of Lithuania himself clutched his head in disbelief, when he learnt about the judgement. (…) it is a common belief that this court decision is made on the politician order, it is supposed to stir Poles and Lithuanians and as a consequence make polish deputies leave the ruling coalition’ – commented A. Górski.

Lithuanian Court ordered the director of Regional Authority of Soleczniki, Bolesław Daszkiewicz, to pay a fine of 43 thousands lites. According to deputy Górski, Lithuanian law is not in compliance with European union law, which allows bilingual street names.

In the interview, polish sejm activist also characterised Vytautas Landsbergis. ‘It’s Landsbergis who started the anti-polish spiral in Lithuanian nation. He used Poles as a deterrence on his compatriots and initiated a characteristic politics of displacing Poles from Vilnius  and Vilnius Region. A lot of properties on these territories were not given back to their old rightful owners and their beneficiaries, but to Lithuanians, who were encouraged to settle on the terrains to which Poles have claims’ – said A. Górski.

Source: http://zw.lt/swiat/artur-gorski-landsbergis-rozkrecil-spirale-antypolskosci/

Tłumaczenie by Kamil Żerek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Kamil Żerek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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