• May 28, 2013
  • 432

Another attack on a Polish school in the Trakai province

A new Power of the Trakai District Municipality on Thursday, May 30th, is planning to close a few Polish groups of pre-school education and eliminating the jobs of the deputy director in Polish schools. The Councils meeting is scheduled for May 30th.

A few weeks ago the new mayor of the Trakai District Municipality, social democrat  Vytautas Zalieckas declared ( among other things, an interview for „Kuriera Wileńskiego”), that no drastic decisions on Polish education in Trakai region will not be accepted. He promised cooperation and a wide discussion with the community and each school.

What was the surprise of these communities, where projects of adverse Polish education regulations appeared on the website last Friday. Do you know about them-mayor — it’s hard to say. Along with the Director of the local government administration of Trotsky in the delegation. In Alanya, one of the most famous resorts of Turkey.

The decision of the local-government foresees the closure of the Polish pre-primary education groups in the old Trakai, Trakai and Landwarowie. The closure of one of the groups is also scheduled in a Russian school in Landwarowie. Besides that there is going to be a reduction of the deputy director jobs  in the elementary school Andrzeja Stelmachowskiego, in high school in Trakai, and high school in Połukni. The official reason-saving on management.

Polish school in the troki province shortly after the change of the ruling coalition, which has run out of representatives of AWPL, were committed to tightening the belt. Directorates presented the leadership of saving plans that allow them to survive up to 2013. However, authorities have decided after his “help” schools. Close of early-education groups and pre-primary, contrary to the strategy of the Ministry of education and science declares support and assistance for parents and children in early education and preschool.

Especially In smaller towns and villages. What new authorities don’t like ? That in Trakai there was no preschool children teached and know there is 22 of them. In Landwarowie in kindergarten was 15 preschoolers, and now there are more than 50, there was no Russian pre-school group, now it has more than 70 children.

At the initiative of the Vice-President of the RL Parliament Jaroslaw Narkiewicza and the AWPL chairman of the Trakai District Municipality  Mary Pucz yesterday, may 27, at school. H. Sienkiewicz was held a meeting of Polish and Russian schools Directorate in Trakai region on these projects.

Today at playschools Trakai and Landwarowa there is no Polish groups. They are only in Polish schools. In the kindergarden in old Trakai, there is one Polish group, however, is filled up. There is no space for additional children. The thirteen children with mixed groups of 4-6 year olds from school A. Stelmachowskiego authorities want to leave without the possibility of pre-primary education in the mother tongue.

After the intervention of the deputy Mr Jarosław Narkiewicza, Councillors and the Directorate of schools on May 28, there is an additional meeting of the Education Committee of the local, which they hope to explain the need for the directors, prepared and adopted in a hurry. Haste in education cases is especially suspect if we recall that soon will prove to be additional documents, prepared by the Ministry of education and science of Lithuania regarding the operation and financing of schools. It is known that predicted there are positive changes for education of national minorities in Lithuania.

Wygląda na to, że chodzi przede wszystkim o likwidację narybku, potencjalnych uczniów szkół polskich i rosyjskiej..  Aż trudno uwierzyć, że to wszystko dzieje się na Litwie, w kraju europejskim, który przygotowuje się do przewodnictwa w Unii Europejskiej.
Alina Sobolewska

It seems that it’s all about the liquidation of the rising generation, prospective students of Polish and Russian .. It’s hard to believe it’s all happening in Lithuania, in a European country, which is preparing for the presidency of the European Union.

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/05/28/kolejny-atak-na-szkoly-polskie-w-rejonie-trockim/

Tłumaczenie by Katarzyna Dąbrowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Katarzyna Dąbrowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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