• May 27, 2013
  • 463

Twenty-date with Adam in Vilnius

@ Marian Paluszkiewicz

The participants and guests of the XX International Festival of Poetic “may on Wilią and the Wisla” (also, the fall Edition of the event will be in Warsaw, Vilnius, adding a new dimension to her) yesterday, may 27, gathered at the Adam Mickiewicz monument of Vilnius.
The  welcomed each other warmly, cheered from the meetings and the fact that it’s such a beautiful morning in May with Wieszczem in the background repeats itself for the 23rd time. The tradition, which fortunately survived two decades, inevitably will continue, bringing the joy of poets and of the Polish community in Lithuania.

Unchangable and a tireless organizer of events, this celebration of Jubilee by opening Mieczkowski Romuald poetry stressed that the Inn is not the last poets on Wilią, in addition to the pageviews in Poland. And the first of them will be in Warsaw Wilanow Palace on 21-28 September of the current year.

To greet the participants of this year’s may came the representatives of diplomatic mission Vilnius: Polish Ambassador Janusz Skolimowski, minister-Consul, head of Consular Division Cygnarowski Stanisław, Dr. Margaret Kasner, Director of the Polish Institute in Vilnius.

It is worth mentioning that on Sunday, May 26, part of the poets from overseas and from Vilnius to participate in the mass. in the Church of the Franciscan church. Assumption of the Virgin, which he celebrated with Marek Dettlaff, also a poet. After mass, there has been a time of poetry and presentations. It was nice to learn that among the arrivals is Anna Milewska, Polish actress, well known for its Lithuanians with many films and serials such as “Lalka”, “Plebania”, “Zlotopolscy”, “M jak  milosc”. Fascination with the poetical work came a little later. Mrs Anna she debuted in 1999 volume “people ask me,” and then every year, there were new collection facilities of its rows.

And also arrived a famous actress Eva Krasnodębska, known for such films as “Mary and Napoleon”, “Phenomenon” and others., Recently awarded with the silver medal deserving culture “Gloria Artis”. It was nice to see among the regulars May Polish poet from Germany Joseph Plessa, Barbara Gruszka-Zych, Bozena Intrator, defining German, Polish and English, the author not only poems but also screenplays, lyrics.

We were greeted in the poets of Polish writers Association (branch). And these are: Paul Kuszczyński, President, Ronald, his Deputy, Kalina Isabella herbs known poet and translator, the contents, the author of a number of rows in the zbiorków style of haiku, Maria was a fairy small, but oh-so-descriptive form. Poznań branch of the ZLP is known for Poetic Listopadów with large, International flair with their sympathizers in many countries. In the past year was held November, XXXV Almanac rows was presented yesterday in Vilnius. Belarusian town of Rakow arrived from the Union of Lithuanian Writers, Januszkiewicz, Joseph-known poet and translator Birutė Jonuškatė.

It’s hard to replace for the time being of all, yet the time comes, but we cannot ignore our old friend music in Poznan, permanent living Komaiszko editorial in Belgium. She left as a young able journalist and poet. Abroad has grown wings, writes books and issues periodic literary books under the name “list”. In connection with the impending 60th years since we “Courier Wilno” we will post an interview with Leokadią.

Immediately after the traditional photo Rimantas Šalna, Director of the Adam Mickiewicz Museum, invited all its accommodation. On a cozy shady courtyard held a Morning one row, and then tour the Museum, where every time we find something new for yourself. Or maybe it’s simply unwind aura of romanticism “load batteries” creators, by returning to the homes they were full of inspiration and creative energy.

In the afternoon, the participants have met in the Palace of Paców-Embassy of theRepublic of Poland. Summarizes yield 20th anniversary “may on Wilia.” Mentioned Lithuanian poet Kristijonasa Donelaitisa in connection with its 300th anniversary Jubilee. One of the main topics was the January uprising. Today, poets will embark on a tour of the literature after the region.

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/05/27/dwudziesta-randka-z-adamem-w-wilnie/

Tłumaczenie by Katarzyna Dąbrowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Katarzyna Dąbrowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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