- May 24, 2013
- 340
“Expansion of the water and sanitary networks in Vilnius District Municipality (in Zujūnų and Riešės communities [seniūnija])” project is under construction
The project is carried out in Vilnius District Municipality districts Zujūnų, Riešės and Greater Riešės village alone.
In general, the plans are to construct some 15 km of water pipelines and 40.5 km of sanitary system, allowing for connection of 2108 and 3468 residents to water and sewage networks respectively. All those people will be endowed with high quality water supply and channeling of sewage to treatment plants. The development of water supply and sanitary networks in Zujūnų and Riešės district becomes a necessity now.
One of the most important goals of effective use of EU support is to make sure, that the economic growth, supported by EU investments, is with accordance with balanced development principles. The project under construction complies with these requirements, and thanks to it the imbalances between the Vilnius city and Vilnius District Municipality water supply and sewage infrastructure will be reduced. The projects meets also requirements of objective no 3 of National Cohesion Strategy: „1. Improvement of water supply and sewage treatment systems”. It fulfills the requirements of Strategic Plan of Vilnius Region Development for the years 2008-2015 as well.
The following works have been done during autumn 2012/winter 2013 period:
– completion of working technical project of sewage pipeline system for the streets Žvėrališkių and Vaivorykštės of Greater Riešės followed by commencement of technical expertise procedure;
– completion of construction of pressurized sewage pipeline in Riešės;
– permit from „Vilniaus regiono keliai” – public benefit company – was received for redesigned sewage pipeline system;
– permit for construction of the pipe work on the state-owned land in Greater Riešės was received;
– site investigation for Riešės and Greater Riešės was finished;
– the information stands were set up.
The contractor stated that due to the weather the works slowed down.
„Winter is finally gone and the contractor started the works at full stretch. The contractor was not able to work during winter time due to the severe weather, the land was frozen to the more than 1 m depth, and that is why we have such a slowdown of construction.
The contractor is working at full strength now, without problems, there is a co-operation with the residents going on as well. We plan to work more and more efficiently to get the works done appropriately and in time in Riešės and Greater Riešės” – the assistant of the Project Manager V. Stanevičius comments.
Accomplishment of the works is planned for May 2014.
The detailed information about the project you can find at the Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė [Vilnius District Municipality] website www.vrsa.lt or „Nemenčinės komunalininkas” company website http://nemenkom.do.am
Tłumaczenie by Jadwiga Granowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Jadwiga Granowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.