• May 20, 2013
  • 568

This week there will be a decision on names

© DELFI (Š.Mažeikos nuotr.)

Today (20 May) the Government Algirdas Butkevičiusa took the solution to the problem of the spelling of names and non-Lithuanian names. Proposals presented by the Government of the justice minister Juozas Bernatonis. After the meeting, the Government stated that the case of the original spelling of the names has been deferred until the next meeting.

The problem in trying to solve the three previous governmental team (Algirdas Brazauskasa, Gediminas Kirkilas and Andrius KUBILIUS easily) by submitting projects to the Sejm of the spelling of names and surnames. All have been rejected by Parliament. The Government of Butkevičiusa decided to go a different route.

Justice Minister Juozas Bernatonis suggested that the Government presented to the Sejm a draft resolution of the Sejm, in which the Parliament returns to the State Commission of the Lithuanian language spelling rules for the approval of non-Lithuanian names and names in official documents and submit to the Sejm a proposal on how the problem should be solved at the level of the legislature in accordance with the Constitution and the principles of the Lithuanian language, but also with regard to global trends and problems that arise on non-Lithuanians and Lithuanians in the transliteration of foreign names and the names of only letters of Lithuanian alphabet.

“The Ministry of justice for a long time was searching for a solution that would not be contrary to the decision of the Constitutional Court and with the existing legislation. As you can see, however, is not so simple. The State Commission of the Lithuanian language respects the decision of the Constitutional Court, from which it follows that the names of the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania must be written according to the grammar of the Lithuanian language, using Lithuanian letters “-Daiva Vaišnienė, commented the situation. the State Commission of the Lithuanian language.”The Commission does not have competence, such language in order to be able to decide how they should be written the names of (…) Such issues regulation the law, “added linguist.

„Sejm nie zwraca się do Komisji w tych kwestiach, które nie sa w jej kompetencji. To nie jest tylko problem prawniczy, ale również językowy. Dlatego chcemy mieć odpowiednie wnioski“ – powiedział minister sprawiedliwości Juozas Bernatonis. Minister ma nadzieję, że taki akt prawny zostanie przyjęty. „To nie leży w kompetencji naszego Ministerstwa. W kompetencji Ministsrestwa leży – to podkreślił również kanclerz rządu – zaprezentowanie prawnego uregulowania. Nie jesteśmy językoznawcami i nie sądzimy, że musimy dublować czyjeś funkcje. Mamy wystarczająco swoich spraw i mamy swoją odpowiedzialność“ – wytłumaczył minister.

“The Parliament is not asking the Commission on these issues, which are not within its competence. This is not just a legal issue, but also the language. That’s why we have the appropriate conclusions, “- said the Minister of Justice Juozas Bernatonis. The Minister hopes that such an act is adopted. “It’s not in the competence of our Ministry. The competence Ministsrestwa is – it also emphasized the Chancellor of government – to demonstrate the legal regulation. We are not linguists, and we do not think that we need to duplicate someone else’s features. We have enough for their own affairs and have their responsibility “- explained the minister.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/aktualia/litwa/w-tym-tygodniu-nie-bedzie-decyzji-w-sprawie-nazwisk.d?id=61425689#ixzz2VWdYdKjL

Tłumaczenie by Katarzyna Dąbrowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Katarzyna Dąbrowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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