• May 17, 2013
  • 363

Deputy Mayor of Vilnius District Municipality Czesław Olszewski: Second World War veterans were system’s hostages

© Kurierwilenski.lt

“I have great respect for you for your courage, sacrifice, and for all you did to save the world from the Nazi plague. No one knows what would have happened to Europe and the world if Nazi Germany had won that horrible war,” said Czesław Olszewski, the deputy mayor of the Vilnius District Municipality, in front of Second World War veterans last Friday.

On May 10, 2013, like every year, the management of the Vilnius District Municipality visited Second World War veterans, thereby paying tribute to soldiers of the most horrible war in the history of mankind. For the third year in a row, the municipality was represented by deputy mayor Czesław Olszewski. “For me, it is a profound experience because I have great respect for the people. It is a pity that today they are somewhat forgotten and often persecuted, whereas at one time they were hostages of the system. They were sent into battle in the war started by two bloodthirsty dictators.

This year the meeting of the war’s veterans was held in a café in Kiwiszki, a village near Vilnius, thanks to the indefatigable Ms Anna Dadeło, an inspector from the Szaterniki commune (Šatrininkų seniūnija), doing social duty for the deputy of the branch of the World War II Participants Organisation in the Vilnius District Municipality, which fought on the side of the Allies of World War II. It is also worth mentioning that, every year on May 9, Ms Anna visits the homes of the war’s veterans, gives them flowers, and lays wreaths on the graves of the war’s heroes in the region, the number of whom, unfortunately, is decreasing every year.

At present, in the Vilnius District Municipality, there live 36 Second World War veterans.

The Friday meeting with the soldiers of the Second World War proceeded in a solemn atmosphere. Elderly people shared their memories and talked about their war experiences.

“These people are full of optimism. I admire them. We,who often complain about our ups and downs have to learn a joy of life and internal peace from them,” said Czesław Olszewski.

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/05/17/wicemer-rejonu-wilenskiego-cz-olszewski-weterani-ii-wojny-swiatowej-byli-zakladnikami-systemu/

Tłumaczenie by Elwira Łykus w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Elwira Łykus within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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