• May 9, 2013
  • 419

Children – the Polish – Lithuanian ambassadors

Teenagers visiting the exhibition had a discussion listening to Mrs. Apolonia poems, and the saxophone music. Photo Wilnoteka.pl

The teenagers from the capital city Old Town Secondary School and private gimnazija of Marina Miżigurska from Naujoji Vilnia arrived at the House of Polish Culture on 7 of May, Tuesday.

Lithuanian and Russian pupils together with their history teachers  Žilvinas Radavičius and Lubow Tkacziuk, and the teacher from the Old Town Secondary School and the Head Master of Naujoji Vilnia private gimnazija of Marina Miżigurska – Romualda Jefremowa, visited  the exhibition dedicated to the 20-th anniversary of the House of Polish Culture in Lithuania named after Stanislovas Moniuŝka. They all did have an open class of Polish culture that way. Apolonia Skakowska was a curator of the Polish House exhibition. Teenagers visiting the exhibition had a discussion listening to Mrs. Apolonia poems, and  saxophone music performed by the prizewinner of 2011 Italy Grand Prix, and many times winner of Stanislovas Moniuŝka Festival organized by the House of Polish Culture in Vilnius – Rafał Jackiewicz.

At the end of their visit the pupils were invited to the auditorium for soft drinks and snacks; and they had received the CDs (compact disks) – named “Reading for Polish community abroad” containing the copies of some Polish tunes. They left their thoughts about the exhibition on the drawings, expressing their appreciation for the time spent there and for having a closer look at the Polish culture in Lithuania, at the House of Polish Culture in particular. Such meetings create the bridge for friendship and mutual respect in multicultural society. The teachers Žilvinas Radavičius, Lubow Tkacziuk and Romualda Jefremowa were rewarded with the diplomas of House of Polish Culture in Lithuania named after Stanislovas Moniuŝka for their efforts towards educational and cultural integration of the teenagers.

” I dream of the teenagers of Lithuania becoming the Polish-Lithuanian friendship and tolerance ambassadors. Since there is too much of negative emotions towards Poles in Lithuania. That anti-Polish feeling is poisoning people, and we need to find a solution to the problem” – said Žilvinas Radavičius.

Artur Woidag
the student of Marina Miżigurska gimnazija

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/05/09/dzieci-ambasadorami-stosunkow-polski-i-litwy/

Tłumaczenie by Jadwiga Granowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Jadwiga Granowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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