• May 6, 2013
  • 262

To Trakai Or to Trakai’s. Answer’s in a new dictionary online

Fot. BFL/Tomas Urbelionis

Soon all doubts regarding Lithuanian place names in Polish you will dispel thanks to this kind of dictionary. A virtual lexicon of form together linguists from Warsaw and Vilnius.

The standard dictionary of place-names in the area of ​​Lithuania, derived from these adjectives and names of people – because this is the full name of the dictionary – is to be completed by the end of this year. Right now, however, you can use the resources that are constantly enriched. Over the lexicon of academics from the Polish Centre of Vilnius University and the Institute of Polish Language at the University of Warsaw.

„”Dictionary of a character of a normative nature, regularness, which is intended for all those who do not know what form of formal name-Polish or Lithuanian – choose how this name to decline. We hope that it will be useful to students of Polish schools in Lithuania, students from the Polish language of instruction, but also the translators, journalists, “says Dr. Monika Kresa from the Institute of Polish language at the University of Warsaw, one of the initiator founding virtual dictionary.

This is the first of this type of development, which, according to its creators, will fill a gap. “So far there were only geographical names Standardization Committee documents, describing the name outside of the Republic, which is just the name of the nominative. Very often these are the names of the bigger centre’s, mainly in the region. There is, however, the names of the smaller towns, or those that have not been persisted in the literature “-tells the story of Dr. Monika Kresa.

In the new dictionary you will find the name of the Polish town of Lithuania. Anykščiai, Lithuanian counterpart – Anykščiai, the standard variety (Onikszt, Oniksztom), information on the adjective (Anykščiai) and the name of the inhabitant of this village (onikszczanin, onikszczanka).

Criteria for the assessment of the correctness of the forms contained in the dictionary is primarily to settle the Polish geographical names Standardization Commission, naming tradition in Indonesia overall (e.g., development history, literature, etc.), and other formal criteria, which also will be in the dictionary.

The dictionary makers emphasize that now it is available for all concerned, count on the cooperation of the users.

“We are in contact with the inhabitants of Lithuania, in their ToolTips. Do not always know the local usage and it is very important to determine the correct form, show an incorrect form. We hope that it will meet a character dictionary form website the plane of communication, “says Dr. Monika Kresa.

Source: http://zw.lt/wilno-wilenszczyzna/do-trok-czy-do-trokow-odpowiedz-w-nowym-slowniku-internetowym/

Tłumaczenie by Katarzyna Dąbrowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Katarzyna Dąbrowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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