• May 3, 2013
  • 380

The commemoration in honour of life of the saintly priest Józef Obrembski entitled: “Spring with Priest Obrembski”

© 19th March marked the inauguration of the commemoration of the life of the saintly priest Józef Obrembski

Long years of life and service of the venerable priest Józef Obrembski were given to us –  the inhabitants of the Vilnius Region.

He linked his life with this region since the very moment when he had followed his true calling and entered the Vilnius Seminary. After having taken holy orders, on 12th June 1932 he arrived to a small village Turgiele (Turgeliai) to sacrifice his whole-hearted enthusiasm and all his being, carrying the perennial truth of the Gospel to the faithful. It was the Christ Gospel which helped him to combat all the obstacles that appeared due to the change of political systems, in spite of the fact that he faced risk of losing his young life. He remained faithful to our land, feeling that he would be needed there, since plenty of Lithuanians left their homeland. He remained in the land, where it was attempted to deprive people of their faith, national identity and brotherly love. His mission was endless, he never took into consideration the question of nationality.

The day of 19th March marked the inauguration of the festivities in honour of life of this saintly priest entitled: “Spring with Prelate”, which were held in educational institutions. The organizing committee, established on the initiative of Maria Rekść, the mayor of the Vilnius Region, set as a goal the dissemination of the famous words of priest Obrembski in order to cultivate attitude, values and ideals that guided priest Obrembski throughout his life and thereby to deepen the faith and to shape the awareness and patriotic attitude among young people attending schools.

The solemn commemoration, the exhibitions of both artistic works “The Prelate in memory of children” and photographs displaying the faithful with priest Obrembski, the competitions about his life and achievements, catechizing about him, the trips to Hall of Memory in Maišiagala, the literary-musical performance “The Great Pole and Great Priest”, religion and Polish classes entitled “Priest Obrembski – always faithful to God, Honour and Fatherland”, learning about his life and watching films “Józef Obrembski – like a light ray”, “Moses of our times” – are only several elements of the events devoted to honour the life of the saintly priest, which will be held on 19th March – 9th June in the schools of the Vilnius Region.

On 24th April another meeting commemorating the priest took place, this time in the Priest Józef Obrombski Secondary School in Maišiagala. It was held in form of the first regional competition in remembrance of him, entitled: “Commemoration, in which everyone should participate”. The presence of Edyta Tamošiūnaitė, the former vice-minister of education, Robert Komarowski, the vice-director of the administration of the Council of the Vilnius Region and Lilia Andruszkiewicz, the chairman of the Education Department, added splendour to the aforementioned festivities.

The competition gathered over 80 participants from 26 educational institutions of the Vilnius Region. It consisted of two stages – written and oral one. The contestants were therefore supposed to take a test assessing their knowledge of life, activity and ideals cherished by priest Obrembski and to produce a poem honouring the saintly priest.

The members of the committee: priest Józef Aszkiełowicz, priest Marek Gładki, Józefa Markiewicz (the chairman of the committee), Walentyna Tomaszun, Waleria Adomajtis, Monika Urbanowicz announced the following list of the laureates:


The laureates of the written qualifications:

1st place – the students of the Ferdynand Ruszczyc Grammar School in Rudomino (Rudaminos): Beata Gryszkiewicz, Karolina Pietrusewicz, Beata Borkowska (teacher: Andżeła Łazarenko);

2st place – the students of the Marian Zdziechowski Primary School in Suderwa (Sudervė): Waldemar Borkowski, Rajmond Kardis, Dariusz Łapin (teacher: Jolanta Speckiewicz);

3rd place – The secondary school in Ławaryszki (Lavoriškių): Ewelina Grochowska, Karolina Wencel, Karolina Klimaszewska (teacher: Krystyna Juckiewicz-Tołłoczko).

The laureates of the oral qualifications:

1st place – Katarzyna Januszkiewicz from the Urszula Ledóchowska Secondary School in Czarny Bór (Juodšiliai) (the poem of her personal literary production);

2nd place – Ewelina Grochowska from the Secondary School in Ławaryszki (Lavoriškių) (teacher: Krystyna Juckiewicz-Tołłoczko);

3rd place – Daniel Popławski from the Primary School in Kieny (teacher: Krystyna Juckiewicz-Tołłoczko).

The laureates were awarded with letters of appreciation and memorial prizes handed by Robert Komarowski, the vice-director of the administration of the Council of the Vilnius Region, alongside Lilia Andruszkiewicz, the chairman of the Education Department. The contest was crowned with the poetic-musical programme performed by the students choirs “Legenda” (“The Legend”), “Credo” and “Wesołe smyki” (“The joyful kids”) led by Jasia Mackiewicz.

The commemoration “Spring with Priest” has been in charge of Robert Komarowski, the vice-director of the administration of the Council of the Vilnius Region. These festivities will be crowned with the First Pilgrimage in veneration of priest Józef Obrembski “Only God gives meaning to our lives” along the route Turgiele-Maišiagala, which will take place on 7th-9th June. The commemoration will be finished on 9th June in Maišiagala, when the statue of Priest Obrembski will be officially unveiled and the Museum honouring his life will be opened.

On behalf of the organizers,

the major specialist of the Education Department

Janina Klimaszewska

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/05/03/cykl-uroczystosci-poswiecony-upamietnieniu-zycia-swiatobliwego-kaplana-jozefa-obrembskiego-pt-wiosna-z-ksiedzem-jozefem-obrembskim/

Tłumaczenie by Joanna Mirek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Joanna Mirek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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