- May 2, 2013
- 384
Talmont: our project supported the Liberals and conservatives Ethnic and ethnographic heritage of Lithuania

Recently in the Parliament have been reported, two projects on ethnic and ethnographic heritage of Lithuania. Chairman of the parliamentary Committee on Human Rights Talmont Leonard wants so that January 25, Lithuania was the Day of National Communities. A group of Lithuanian MPs unveiled a proposal to declare 2014 the Year of the Regions Ethnographic.
The design of the ethnographic regions reported liberal Algis Kašeta. “This is a proposal for culture. We wish to draw attention to the Lithuanian heritage. Starting even from dialects and regional uproar, “he explained his idea of PL DELFI member Kašeta. In addition to the project Kašėtą project supported Irena Degutienė, Kęstutis Daukšys, Julius Sabatauskas, Petras Gražulis, Valdas Vasiliauskas.
Vilnius – this is not the region
The project initiators want to form a special committee, which is drawing up a plan for the event. However, the budget for 2014 will be provided for the financing of the Year Ethnographic Regions.
Algis cassette stressed that the ethnographic regions have nothing to do with ethnic minorities. Vilnius has been spun off as a separate region. “The majority of the representatives of the Polish minority living n Dzūkija. Anyway, so far the boundaries between the various regions are not legally regulated. They did their disputes between ethnographers and linguists. Perhaps it will be a good opportunity to address these issues, “- said the tapes.
There is no opposition in the Sejm
Leonard Talmont a few weeks ago brought Katy Perry to consider amendments to the law on the days memorable. A Member proposes that the January 25 to establish a Day of National Communities. In this day of the year 1323 Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas sent a message to the inhabitants of European cities Lübeck, Bremen, Magdeburg, and others. The Prince asked the representatives of various professions to settled in Lithuania. The Prince also made a promise that for new residents of Lithuania will be created favourable conditions for living and working in amber.
“I met with the representatives of all national communities. We met at the date on which the Duke Gediminas sent his letters to the cities of Western Europe and we decided that we need to have a day like this. In the first reading the draft was approved. Currently working on the work order committees “-told EN DELFI Leonard Talmont. In Lithuania, 18% of the residents are minorities, so they think Mr must have its day to present their own culture and traditions. “When I presented the draft in the Parliament, the opposition was not. It was supported by the Liberals and the conservatives. So I think that Diet support these changes even during the spring session “stressed Talmont. Mr Algis Kašeta said that he could not comment with PL DELFI on this idea, because I hadn’t heard about it.
Everything depends on the form
Well known journalist Jacek Jan Komar believes that the idea of Talmonta is good, but everything will depend on the form. “The date was chosen well. If this is to highlight the historical and current multi-ethnicity and multiculturalism, in that case it’s going to be something positive. Everything will depend on the form of the event. If it’s going to be the day on which they will be carried out different marches, it can be frustrating for many people. But if it’s going to be a series of concerts or events presenting living in Lithuania, national minorities, it will be very well received, “said PL DELFI Bill Komar. Columnist of the weekly “Veidas” Audrius Bačiulis also sees no problem. “If you want to have a feast of their own national community, I see no reason why it wouldn’t be. Lets them celebrate. The whole fight with holidays or days you’ll surely take during makes no sense. I personally don’t like it when the May 9 March various Soviet veterans. But if you want-why not? We will be in this day celebrating Europe Day “- said the UK DELFI Audrius Bačiulis.
Tłumaczenie by Katarzyna Dąbrowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Katarzyna Dąbrowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.