• May 2, 2013
  • 409

Mackiewicz: Sikorski with Ažubalis did not like each other, and we love our Lithuanian friends


Beginning in May for Poles is the marathon. Today’s Day is celebrated by Polish and Flag of Poland Day. Tomorrow, on the other hand – Constitution Day on May 3. On this occasion, will be held on Saturday solemn procession through the streets of Vilnius organized by the Union of Poles in Lithuania. 

The organizers expect that the march will be participated up to 10 thousand. people. “Where did this number come from? ZPL has 12,000 members. Of course, not everyone will be able to come. Someone gets sick. Perhaps the weather is not going to be perfect. However, it is not important. Who would want to be there – it will “- said UK DELFI Michael Mackiewicz, President of NPC and Member of Parliament.

Last Lithuanian-Polish relations are cool, but organizers do not believe that there may be some provocation. “I am an optimist. I like everyone. Of course there are different punks and provocateurs, but we do not allow such thoughts. Relations are tense? It Sikorski Ažubalis did not like, and we love our Lithuanian friends, “- said Mackiewicz. According to the President of the NPC, such parades are held all over the world and do not cause any controversy anywhere.

March of happiness?

In the march are you going to attend not only the members of the ZPL, but also other Polish organizations. Traditionally, students attend the Vilnius branch of University of Białystok. Jarosław Wołkonowski affiliates Dean said that work at the College, DELFI COM wheel ZPL and it will be represented on the University parade.

“Over the past few years, there were no marches. The last parade, in 2009, we have participated, about 300 of our students marched the streets of Vilnius. Marched in the Polish colors, marched folk bands, our students went under the name of the subsidiary. Manifested our  Polishness, this is our feast – the feast of Poles outside the mother. We have shown that we are and having our holiday. Lithuanians know about our existence “- says Wołkonowski.

“Today we have similar manifestation goals. These successes, which we enjoy, but the extraordinary opportunity to feast, I believe that there is. If, as promised a week ago, Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius, the problem of the original spelling of names has been resolved before May 1, it would be a march of joy, victory march. However, the authorities stated that in this period that will not manage to solve the problem, so the march will remind the authorities that we are, that we still expect a decision to settle the problems of Poles in Lithuania “- said the dean.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/aktualia/litwa/mackiewicz-to-sikorski-z-azubalisem-nie-lubili-sie-a-my-kochamy-naszych-litewskich-przyjaciol.d?id=61288113

Tłumaczenie by Katarzyna Dąbrowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by by Katarzyna Dąbrowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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