- January 30, 2013
- 496
Suwalkiji Day on Kaziuki
To the traditional Vilnius Kaziuki we have more than a month but the organizers have just started preparing. This year the main event of Kiermasz Kaziukowy is going to be Suwalkiji Day – one of the Lithuania Region.
„Since 2010 on Kiermasz Kaziukowy we present both traditional and modern culture of one of the Lithuania region. There were days of Dzukiji (Dzūkija), Auksztoty (Aukšaitija), Żmudzi (Žemaitija). This year we are going to present Suwalkije. I am sure that citizens and tourists will be willing to get accustomed to the culture of Suwalkija. I think that during these three days the representants of this region will show its uniqueness and the skills of craftsmen” – says Jarosław Kamiński, one of the representative of Vilnius.
Suwalkija region is situated on the south part of Lithuania, near Polish boundary and Suwalszczyzna region. It consists of five smaller regions: mariampolski (Marijampolė), Kozłowa Ruda (Kazlų Rūda), kalwaryjski (Kalvarijos), szakiajski (Šakiai) i wyłkowyski (Vilkaviškis). The guests from Suwalkija are going to present the concerts of folk bands, the exhibition of the works of craftsmen and also the tasting of the traditional dishes. Near the town hall there will be installed the screen where there will be displayed short movies about each regional city. In the same place will be also the meeting of all representatives of Suwalkija.
This year Kaziuki are going to be between 1 and 3 of March. It will take place on Giedymina Avenue, Pilies, Didžioji, Barboros Radvilaitės and Safianiki Streets as well on different squares near these streets.
The day of Saint Kazimierz in Vilnius, commonly known as Kaziuki, is a holiday celebrated for over than 400 years. In the past, in the day of Lithuania patron there was Jarmark Kaziukowy with its characteristic processions of jugglers, costume and traffickers. These days Kiermasz Kaziukowy in Vilnius is inseparable part of the cultural life of citizens.
Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/dni-suwalkiji-na-kaziukach
Tłumaczenie Diana Omiljaniuk w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Diana Omiljaniuk the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.