- January 23, 2013
- 477
Police stops Rev. Dariusz Stańczyk

As “Kurier” posted, on 22 January at 150th anniversary of the outbreak of the January Uprising Rev. Dariusz Stanczyk along with scouts of WHM (Mary Troop of Vilnius) and the youth of the Association of Pope John Paul II, led the March of Freedom “for the sake of our and your freedom”.
Ceremony was finished with a field Mass on the Hill of Three Crosses. After the Mass, arrived police and a well-known Reverend was taken to the police station in order to give an explanation. Police interfered, because there was no permission from Vilnius authorities for the March
– I was preparing an official letter, to ask for permission, to the authorities of Vilnius, as I had been doing for the 18 years of the Independence Relay, I respect the law and the authorities. However, when I heard that “Equality Parade” has been confirmed, my heart cried over Lithuania – where is this nation heading to. God’s law is violated, as well as the culture of Christian nation- Lithuania! That is why I decided not to hand in any written motion, but I went to ask for the permission in person – said Rev. Dariusz Stańczyk. The march lasted few minutes, with prayers and singing, and in quiet atmosphere as the sound equipment didn’t work due to a big freeze.
Reverend is sympathetic about the police work. He thinks, that they are great people and is happy that, they were interested in listening about what he had to say about the uprising from 1863, about a common cause for independence. He could talk so much, about saint Rafal Kalinowski, Zygmund Sierakowski, Rev. Antonii Maćkiewicz, that understood this as the reason for being there, on 22 January 2013. Three hours on police station were not wasted.
-When I remind myself the Soviet years, it was terrible “to be” among them. Lithuania police nowadays made impression of being very nice. Obviously, at the beginning they assumed that we are “troublemakers from Poland” in white-red clothes, carrying also Lithuanian, papal and European flagues. A prayer for the deceased in the Uprising in Lithuanian, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Hail Mary – during the liturgy on the Hill of Three Crosses – positively changed their attitude about this March” – said Rev. Dariusz Stańczyk. None of the participant anticipated such a finish. It was the March with sincere prayers, patriotic songs for the deceased, and for the Authorities of Poland and Lithuania.
– Unexpectedly 7 polices cars came by. Police officers approached the field Mass on the Hill of Three Crosses. About ten of officers approached us, about twenty more were waiting by the police cars. They gave a reason immediately – no permission for the March. They acted calmly and had waited until the Mass was finished, then they took the Reverend to the police station to question him – said for “Kurier” one of the participants of the March.
A spokesman of Police station no. 3 informed “Kurier” that: it was not a police action against Poles.
-Surveillance cameras on Giedymin Av. recorded over 100 people marching. We were not informed on time, because the participants had no permission for the march. We passed information to officers, who went to the Hill of Three Crosses. Reverend, in fact, did not have any permission, therefore he was kindly asked to come to a police station, where he was transported in a police car. Each march has to have permission from the authorities, so that we can prepare the city and organize the traffic. This march interfered with the traffic – said Ramūnas Šilobritas, the head of the Police station no. 3 of Vilnius.
On 20 February at 8:30, administrative court will hear the case of the March of Freedom organizer – Rev. Dariusz Stańczyk. For this kind of law violation, Reverend may be imposed a fine of 500-2 000 Lt, or an administrative custody for up to 30 days.
Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/01/23/ksiadz-dariusz-stanczyk-zatrzymany-przez-policje/
Tłumaczenie Jacek Malatyński w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Jacek Malatyński the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.