• January 9, 2013
  • 463

Emotions from the shadow. Rafał Piesliak’s exhibition

fot. wilnoteka.lt

An exhibition of young artist from Vilnius, Rafał Piesliak, has just begun in Polish Art Gallery “Znad Wilii” (“From the Neris”). The exhibition, titled “Człowiek z cienia” (“A man from the shadow”), is rather untypical of Rafał Piesliak, as so far the artist has been known mainly for sculpture and installations. However, this time he has presented a series of graphics.

The drawings are rather minimalistic, but at the same time they are full of expression. They display a range of human emotions. “In this case the emotions are rather negative. The graphics mirror human nature, they are like shadows cast by a person. This is why the exhibition is titled as it is,” explains Rafał Piesliak.

In his drawings, as the artist says, he gives back the emotions that he receives from the external world. “I do not have any specific message in mind. I want to show people the same emotions that they give to the world around them,”comments Piesliak.

“The title of the exhibition, coupled with drawings and installations in which the artists plays with light and shadow, carry the message that human beings are changeable. It is the changeable nature of the man that Rafał illustrates in his works,” says Magdalena Mieczkowska, the curator of the exhibition.

 “The works presented on the exhibition are mainly graphics, but there are also collages, which, thanks to the elements added, become like living organisms, they seem to be moving,” adds Mieczkowska.

 As regards Rafał  Piesliak himself, he admits that an exhibition of drawings is something new in his artistic career. “Installations are my main interest. I like changing space. Drawing has always been just an element of my work on installations, it has never occurred as a separate piece of art. Plus, I have never drawn on paper, usually I have drawn directly on the wall, here and now. Still, the drawings exhibited have been created for their own sake,” explains Piesliak on the vernissage.

The exhibition “Człowiek z cienia” (“A man from the shadow”) will last till January 28th . However, in the Vilnius gallery AV17 there is another exhibition of Rafał Piesliak – an exposition of installations titled “Człowiek, który nie widział horyzontu” (“A man who has not seen the horizon”). This will last till January 13th.

A video relation from both exhibitions, as well as an interview with Rafał Piesliak, will soon be broadcast in “Wilnoteka.”

Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/emocje-z-cienia-czyli-rafal-piesliak

Tłumaczenie Natalia Błędowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Natalia Błędowska the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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