• December 28, 2012
  • 450

Charity concert “Piłsudski pamięcią przyzywa” on TVP Polonia today

fot. Ryszard Rotkiewicz

Today at 6.55pm TVP Polonia will broadcast the second charity concert “Piłsudski pamięcią przyzywa!” (remembering Piłsudski).Proceeds from the concert will be spent on rebuilding Park Pamięci (memory park) in Zalavas, the birthplace of Józef Piłsudski. 

At the concert we will hear some well-known Polish celebrities of the Lithuanian stage as well as lesser known folk groups, e.g. Ewelina Saszenko, the Lithuanian representative of the Eurovision Song Contest, Katarzyna Niemyćko, “Kapela Wileńska” (Vilnius group), “Mejszagolanki” group, and choirs from groups “Zgoda” (concord, acceptance) and “Wileńszczyzna” (Vilnius Region). Maciek Nerkowski, an opera singer, and Zdzisław Palewicz, whose father is the mayor of the Šalčininkai district municipality, will also appear on stage.

“One of the primary objectives of the concert is to raise funds sufficient for recreating the national memory park. We plan to have it ready by 2017, which will be 150th anniversary of the Marshal’s birth,” said Edward Trusewicz, the deputy minister of culture and secretary of the Association of Poles in Lithuania, who also organizes the concert.

He emphasised that despite the lack of interest on the part of Polish authorities, he believes that the enterprise will be successful. “We hope that the memory of the man who gave Poland “freedom, borders, power and respect” lives not only among Poles in Lithuania, but in every Polish heart,” said Trusewicz, concluding the concert.

The first charity concert “Piłsudski pamięcią przyzywa!” took place in 2010. The money donated during the concert were spent on rebuilding Park Pamięci in Zalavas. For the collected 20,000 euro the Association of Poles in Lithuania managed to pull down old kolkhoz farms and hundreds of square metres of concrete fundaments that were built in place of Piłsudski’s estate in 1945.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/kultura/kultura/koncert-charytatywny-pilsudski-pamiecia-przyzywa-juz-dzis-w-telewizji-polonia.d?id=60317529

Tłumaczenie Aleksandra Christ w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Aleksandra Christ the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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