• December 28, 2012
  • 592

Celebration of the centenary of the ‘Pohulanka’ theatre


On 4 January 2013 to celebrate the centenary of the ‘Pohulanka’ theatre, Polish theatres on Lithuania, will present the newest plays. The event is held under the patronage of Waldemar Tomaszewski- Member of the European Parliament, and the leader of the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania.

 “I really feel at home in the ‘Pohulanka’ theatre. It’s simply the Polish theatre, which does not mean I want it taken away from the current owners. It deeply hurts to witness the theatre falling apart, to see that there are no funds for the renovation, the renovation the theatre has never had. When I noticed the sign hanging on the doors that said: “I’m one hundred years old, I feel like twenty, yet I look like two hundred….”, I cried” – says for PL DELFI, Lilia Kiejzik- director and head of Polish Theatre Studio in Vilnius.

The ‘Pohulanka’ theatre was built in years 1912-1914 on the initiative of Hipolit Korwin-Milewski, and according to the project by architects Aleksander Parczewski and Wacław Michniewicz thanks to public donations from Polish community of Vilnius at that time. The building was handed over to the authorities of the city on the condition that only the Polish theatres would perform there.

The theatre, during the Russian Partition had an immense significance for high culture and art. Later in years 1925-29, the Juliusz Ostrewa’s group performed here- so called ‘Reduta’ theatre. Over the next few years, the top of Polish artists made their debuts there, which was especially noticeable during the occupation.

Famous Polish actors like : Irena Eichlerówna, Nina Andrycz, Henryk Borowski, Hanka Ordonówna, Aleksander Zelwerowicz, Zygmunt Bończa-Tomaszewski, Zdzisław Mrożewski, Danuta Szaflarska, Jerzy Duszyński, Igor Przegrodzki, Hanka Bielicka, appeared on the stage of the theatre.

On the 24th of June 1940, the theatre was closed down. After the Second World War, against the will of benefactors the building was handed down to the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre, not as it was primarily intended, to the Polish theatre.  Subsequently the building housed the Youth Theatre, and currently it’s the seat of the Lithuanian Russian Drama Theatre.

Recently on the stage, Polish actors give their performances- Polish Theatre Studio puts its performances here.

On the 4th of January at 17:30, Polish Theatre Studio presents, for the Vilnius audience, the premiere of Ireneusz Iredyński’s play “Kreacja”(creation) directed by Lilia  Kiejzik, and at 19:30 the Polish Theatre in Vilnius presents the play by Inka Dowlasz “Pułapki miłosne”(Love traps).

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/kultura/kultura/obchody-100-rocznicy-teatru-na-pohulance.d?id=60307181

Tłumaczenie Jacek Malatyński w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Jacek Malatyński the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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