- December 14, 2012
- 381
Read in the newspaper: about the best choice
New government was pledged. With no doubts there is not even one political commentator or expert who would have good opinion about ministers who were confirmed in not very nice political atmosphere. This background is perfect for JaroslawNiewierowicz.
„Language school and table tennis were connected and used in formatting 16th government. KedainianiKyazproposes the candidates for ministers and president is throwing them away as trashes. Then she proposes new candidates and president is doing the same, like set of table tennis” this colorful description was given about formatting new government by RimvydasValatkanthe redactor of portal 15mint.lt.
The government which was formatted in a such original way, there are politics with average age of 55. Some of the, compromised themselves and played the main role in political affairs. Also, they were fired off from the functions they were executed. Some of them are not good choice for the seat they are going to take.
Among them is J. Niewierowicz who presents himself as a young, ambitious and capable man whose expertise are respected among Lithuanian publicists.
„The power is taken by unprepared people” – writes AudriusBačiulis in weekly paper titled ‘Viedas”. He hammered Prime minister AlgirdasButkevičius and his ministers except two of them. Niewierowicz and foreign minister did not get under Bačiulis’ black books.
„The only freshman in the government is EAPL. Let’s compare the candidate of EAPL for the minister of energy JaroslawNiewierowicz and the candidate for the economist ministerBirutėVėsaitė.JaroslawNiewierowicz is 37 years old economist, diplomat, manager who worked in Citi Bank in Warsawand in embassy in Warsaw. Also, he was foreign vice minister and director of a company LITPOL Link. BirutėVėsaitė is 60years old, who has the most experience among social democrats. Also, when she talks about gas terminal she confuses Finland with Gull of Finland and she can only trot out with knowledge of English. “which of those political parties are prepared for the work in the government” – rhetorically asks Bačiulis.
He adds “ of course it was luck for EAPL that it got the energy ministry thanks to the coalition and it has a good person to lead it. The candidate worked in energy business before. It is unknown what the party would have done if it got different ministry or more than one. But they are debutant not one of the two biggest Lithuanian parties.
JurgaTvaskienė from “Lietuvosžinios” who do not like Polish politics and activists For a commentator of polish business her articles she often takes known from paranoid vision Ryszard Maciejkianic. This time her article is all about the advantages of the Polish Ministry.
The article “ the strangest” candidate became the best choice. Journalist writes about a history from six years ago, when the contemporary president Valdas Adamkus rated candidature of 30 year old then JaroslawNiewierowicz for the vice minister of foreign department “ it is the strangest and least logical nomination. According to the text of the author the surprise of the president was unfounded. Niewierowicz at the age of 30 had some experience in work for this department and also in a diplomatic establishment in Washington.
Today, it is unthinkable to call Niewierowcz “ strange choice”. Contemporary foreign minister PetrasVaitiekūnas recalls his old subordinate in “Lietuvosžinios” paper as a constructive, factual, reserved person as a diplomat. GediminasKirkilas who was prime minster in 2008 chose Niewierowicz to be a president of the LitPol Link Company. At that time he says for the press” I think that decision of putting Niewierowicz as a president of the company checked out. The same is being said by the representatives of Poland. His nomination for the energy minister is the most successful choice of the new government.”
Experts and politicians are saying that his work for Lit Pol Link Niewierowicz can buy back blames of Lithuania against Poland. Lithuania was postponing realization of the energy project. First minster of energy of Independent Lithuania Leonas Ašmantas says that Niewierowcz managed to solve the problems. But the biggest challenges are still in advance of young minister. “ He needs to start everything from the beginning because the present lay out of the ministry of energy is worse than empty seat” says Leonas Ašmantas for “Lietuvosžinios”.
So Niewierowicz get a nice present form journalists for the beginning of his work: good public image and favorable attitude. Of course he should not forget that great men’s favours are uncertain. The best example of that is Dalia Grybauskaitė who was elected as a redeemer of Lithuania. For first years of her cadence she was called the president of hearts and today her position in rankings is going down. Also, journalists are taking out new disgraceful facts.
The view of the hard situation in the sector of energy, it might be tough for Niewierewicz to keep perfect image. Maybe he will be able to protect himself with the characteristic which is given him today.
The success of Niewierowicz come at once with the debut of few new players of EAPL in politics. On Thursday night 13th December party announced list of the candidates for vice ministers and on Friday this topic was on first page of all papers. Articles are full of new – not new names : Renata Cytacka, Edita Tamošiūnaitė, Edward Trusewicz, Władysław Kondratowicz, Leokadia Poczykowsk. These people are known among polish people but for Lithuanians are only heard from time to time.
The journalists are going to look on the work of new politicians with no doubt. The feuilleton titles “ Freshmen of politics surprised us with their appetite” Tadas Ignatavičius from portal lrytas.ltwrites that “ the smallest ones and at the same time the kindest. This impression might be get after watching new politics attitude for the next year’s budget. The budget is done by conservatives. For example, the representatives of EAPL: Wanda Krawczonoki and Rita Tamašunienė just began their way in the Seym and they has been trying to take out 22 million of Lits form next year’s budget.
Tadas Ignatavičius says about spending 5 million lits for opening an children’s Home in Vilnius region, little lessen amount should be spend for reconstruction of kindergartens in Suderewo and Soleczniczki and for repair of four schools in Soleczniczki region. Reconstruction of the villa in Jaszyny she want to spend 3 million lits.
“ It is really interesting that a small members of coalition have big appetite what could it be with bigger ones” – Says publicists.
Strange article it is not critique and not advertisement but for sure ladies from EAPL got its time. This is even seen by the Lithuanian journalists that those deputies did not get first payment and they are doing everything for their voters.
There is a lot of news this days but the philosophic attitude of the patriarchy of the Lithuanian politics of Vytautas Landsbergis decided to rich the top.
“Instead of focusing on the current events she started to think about the genesis of the term “Poles in Lithuania” and everything what comes with being a part of this ethnic group.
When we see some “Poles on Lithuania” instead of “ Lithuanian Poles” it might be understood as some Polish person being accidentally in Lithuania maybe temporally. Then we should be sorry because to our neighbor linguistic specification probably is not a problem in naming the citizenship” – writes V. Landsbergis
V. Landsbergis brings the words of John Paul II „ You are Lithuanians with the roots of Poles” in other words says professor Landsbergis you are the citizens of Lithuania the people of this country. Moreover, you are taking care of Polish culture why not but without the feeling of being guilty why do the live in Lithuania ? Maybe it is a privilege not necessary luck” says Politician.
“ The one who want to ruin my thinking will say that he is not living here temporally but from generations. And I agree with that because that’s why we have names : Talmont, Widmont, Normont(Normantas). I have also remained myself that I met very kind poet from that part of Lithuania Mrs. Alwida Bajor. Or I met Polish Singer from Vilnius who was singing in Opera during the war named Katin. The posters at that time had lithunian names for his last name : Katinas. Luckily he had good sense of humar and was laughing at it.”
Whatever the cat (Katinas) Mrs. Professor from this historical- linguistically misunderstandings even the horse could laugh. Even the one from Pogonia.
Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/przeglad-prasy-o-najlepszym-wyborze
Tłumaczenie Karolina Przybyło w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Karolina Przybyło the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.