- October 25, 2012
- 426
Upsaskich: Either Poles or the Liberal Movement
In the second round of the parliamentary elections Viktor Uspaskich, a Member of the European Parliament and the Labour Party’s leader, is going to support not only the candidacies of social democrats and the Order and Justice (“Tvarka ir teisingumas”) but also the candidacies of the Liberal Movement (“Liberalų sąjūdis”).
The Labour Party is going to support social democrats and the Order and Justice in those constituencies in which there are candidates of the above mentioned parties. “We will support them explicitly in those constituencies in which they are competing against the candidates from other parties,” said Uspaskich. In other constituencies the Labour Party is going to support the candidacies of the Liberal Movement. “I’m not sure whether we can say it or not, but personally, I support the Liberal Movement,” the Member of the European Parliament has explained.
According to Uspaskich, apart from social democrats and the Order and Justice the future coalition can consist of both the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania and the liberals. “It can only be Poles or the Liberal Movement. There are no other possibilities,” said Uspaskich.
The Labour Party leader cannot imagine a coalition with the Way of Courage (“Drąsos kelias”). “They can’t reach an agreement within their own party. I talked with them yesterday. Venckienė says one thing and the Chief of Staff says something else. Each of them treats their manifesto in a different way. At the moment I don’t know whom should I hold talks with. I think that they must get used to working together,” said Viktor Uspaskich.
Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/aktualia/litwa/uspaskich-albo-polacy-albo-ruch-liberalow.d?id=59845433
Tłumaczenie Monika Rak w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Monika Rak the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.