- October 15, 2012
- 354
The conference of EAPL: We can establish its own political fraction.
EAPL believes that it can have even 10 seats in the next Seym. They do not reject a possibility of cooperation with other party but we have some doubts about Wiktor Uspaskish’s Party said Mr. Waldemar Tomaszewski during the press conference.
„We do not have any exact data but I think we all know that the list number 7 outpassed the threshold” – announced Mr. Waldemar Tomaszweski member the European parliament and the leader of the EAPL. Vaidotas Prunskus the leader of the People’s Party thanked for the votes. Its members started form the EAPL’s list. Prunskus announced, it was a shame that candidates from People’s Party had not get into the Parliament, but for sure the colleagues for the EAPL would fulfill all of the electoral promises. Mr Prunskus moved to the tenth position from fourth in a result of a ranking. This position forbids to have a seat in the Seym.
The great success.
In opinion of Mr. Tomaszewski EAPL will have adequate amount of deputies to establish its own political fraction. The member of European Parliament said maximally we might have 12 deputies but I think we would have 10. it was a great success. For the first time we were able to build up its own political fraction.
European Parlament or Lithuanian Syem .
Waldemar Tomaszewski Informed about abdication of the European Parliament’s seat, if the EAPL gets its place in the ruling coalition. The leader of the EAPL in not rejecting the cooperation with any other party. However, he has a lot of the doubts about the Labour Party. In his Opinion that party was leaded unethically.
„To nie jest tak, że ktoś kogoś zaprasza do koalicji. Tu działa zwykła arytmetyka. (…) Mam wątpliwości, czy w ogóle Partia Pracy będzie tworzyła rząd” – zasugerował Tomaszewski.
“It is not like someone invites others to be a part of coalition, here takes place the arithmetic. I have doubts if the Labour Party is going to establish the government “– suggested Mr. Tomaszwski.
in Opinion of the Leader of EAPL the eventuality of being a part of EAPL in the future ruling coalition will depend from a lot of circumstances.” Firstly, it depends what kind of people from other parties got their seats in the Seym. Secondly, if they are not a part of some corruption affairs and finaly, if our political programmes are able to be connected “– said Mr. Tomaszwesk.
The Name are not the most important.
Tomaszewski was asked if he would be a part of the parliament who would not make a promise about the regulations in spelling polish names in official documents. Tomaszewski said that it is not the most important thing of Polish monitory in Lithuania. “ it is not the most important part. It is important because the name and surname are the property of every man but unfortunately it is not the most important” – said Tomaszweski. More important in Opinion of Tomaszweski are economy, social issues, education or refund of the land to its owners.
Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/aktualia/litwa/konferencja-awpl-mozemy-stworzyc-wlasna-frakcje.d?id=59763291
Tłumaczenie Karolina Przybyło w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Karolina Przybyło the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.