• September 14, 2012
  • 490

Will Election Action go with two watchwords? Is EAPL calling for battle?

© DELFI (Š.Mažeikos nuotr.)

For the parliamentary election the Election Action from Poland in Latvia will go with dual watchwords. With the traditional already “Strong In Unity” and with the new one “For Justice! For Your And Our Liberty!”.

The EU envoy Waldemar Tomaszewski said that watchwords are in fact accepted, tomorrow (15September) are to be approved on the polling convention. “Strong In Unity”  means that we unite all the people of good will. The Polish, the Russian and the Lithuanian. We do not divide for  nationalities” underlined Tomaszewski.

The watchword  “For Justice! For Your And Our Liberty!” is almost identical to the watchword of the one which was popular during the November Uprising, “ For Our And Your Liberty” but Tomaszewski cuts himself off such deep historical associations. In his opinion the watchword appeared during the wave of protests against the amendment of the Education Reform when the representatives of various nationalities protested against the changes implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science.

The leader emphasized that the EAPL is most importantly for the social and economic justice. Many problems, according to Tomaszewski, exist also in the present jurisdictional system. “With justice there are also many problems. The citizens cannot be fully free when the immense part of them live on the verge of poverty. In addition to this, it is not free of bureaucracy. Of course, we are acting for the liberty of having their own surname. However, in the first place we put the liberty and the social and economic justice” – stressed Tomaszewski.

Moreover, The EU envoy sees the lack of liberty in education.” It is not about the Polish education. Simply the citizens have to have a choice. Very often they do not have this choice because schools are closed down in the countries” – stated Waldemar Tomaszewski and as an example he gave the recent protests of the teachers from Jeziorasy ( Zarasai) schools and today’s protests of teachers in front of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Komar: Watchwords aimed at the disappointed electorate

According to the journalist the the Public Relations specialist, Jacek Komar, both watchwords EAPL are battle watchwords. The watchword “Strong In Unity” – this is a battle watchword. Calling to battle on the barricades. Firstly, it suits the hard electorate EAPL which means the national minorities. On the other hand, it is the watchword which is bound to provoke the Lithuanian parties, especially right-wing ones” – thinks Komar.

However, Komar does not reject the possibility that these watchwords could speak also to the        so-called Lithuanian electorate. “The watchword “For Our And Your Liberty” could be also directed to the disappointed Lithuanian electorate” – added Jacek Komar.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/aktualia/litwa/na-wybory-akcja-wyborcza-pojdzie-z-dwoma-haslami.d?id=59515213

Tłumaczenie Zofia Kowalska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Zofia Kowalska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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