• July 31, 2015
  • 402

I was surprised by the “w”

The new leader of the Lithuanian conservatives, the MEP Gabrielius Landsbergis, was totally surprised by the judgement about the letter “w” in the act of marriages. He could not understand on which legal basis it was established.

“It caused my astonishment – under which act, which deeds the court made such judgement. If it is based on some international decision, why do we argue in the parliament?” – Landsbergis said in the interview with the Žinių radijas. The MEP reminded that the Act on the original names spelling was postponed for autumn session so for now, it is not accepted. Asked about the attitude of the conservatives towards non-Lithuanian letters in passports, the politician quoted the decision of the Political Committee that claims “the spelling of names should be the political norms, no matter if it would be the decision of the Constitutional Court or by the any other legal argument.” “On the other hand, we do understand the human need of writing our own name in the way it is convenient (…) and does not bring problems in daily life” – Landsbergis added.

Translated by Paulina Lipińska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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