• January 10, 2013
  • 348

Traditional meeting of seniors in Mickūnai

@ Kurier Wilenksi

When it is snowing and our ears are freezing, the Comprehensive School in Mickūnai is radiating a warm cosy glow. On January 7, 2013, the school invited all willing seniors for a traditional Christmas meeting.

Grandparents used to go to school in order to acquire knowledge, but today they are spending an evening in a lovely atmosphere, listening to Christmas carols and poetry recitation. The hall was full of children because students of classes 3a and 4a together with their class teachers had prepared the Nativity play which they presented in front their grandparents.

A lot of guests admired the performance: a councillor of Vilnius Region Municipality, Teresa Dziemieszko, the Staroste of Mickūnai district, Renata Mickiewicz, a leader of Mickūnai community, Edward Tomaszewicz, the parish priest Rev. Raimundas Macidulskas, two Songs Ensembles, “Skajsterowianka” form Skaisteriai and “Przyjaźń” form Galgiai, and the director of the Comprehensive School in Mickūnai, Bernard Awłosewicz.

In order to honour the tradition the party was opened the director of the school, Bernard Awłosewicz. He wished the gathered guests all the best.

The artistic programme was commenced with the Nativity play prepared by the students of the Comprehensive School in Mickūnai. Grandmothers and grandfathers were extremely proud of their grandchildren who acted roles of biblical characters. The students did a good job and were given sweets. “We hope that the light which appeared above Bethlehem will remain in the hearts of our guests”, T. Pawłowska summed up the performance of her students.

The leader of Mickūnai community, Edward Tomaszewicz, welcomed all guest and stressed that the main aim of “Przyjaźń” Ensemble was a smile of the audience. “We try to reduce the number of sad, evil and worried people in our surrounding. Today you will probably hear songs that you have already known but they are our favourite ones.” It was the beginning of the concert of “Przyjaciele” Ensemble. The audience listened to songs about the spinning world, Vilnius land, black eyes, and beautiful flowers. Each person who knew the lyrics was singing together with the Ensemble.

The Song Ensemble “Skajsterowianka” has proved that the senior age can also mean active lifestyle. The manager of the Ensemble, J. Raczewska, wished the guests all the best and recommended the active lifestyle. The Ensemble consists of “grandmothers” who willingly participate in rehearsals. Singing keeps them in high spirits, makes them stronger and helps forget about their ailments. The ladies have time for an goodnight tale for their grandchildren, a dinner for children and evening rehearsals. Isn’t it an element of active lifestyle?

The Ensemble performed a lot of enjoyable songs but the audience favoured the one about a grandfather who “was full of energy” and whispered memories of his youth to the grandmother.

At the end of the concert the Staroste of Mickūnai district, Renata Mickiewicz, invited all seniors for a small feast. On behalf of the Mayor of Vilnius Region Municipality, Maria Rekść, the councillor Teresa Dziemieszko wished the guests all the best.

The elderly people have been respected since the ancient times so today we have to follow the example of our ancestors. We have to be grateful for our safe childhood, grandparents’ help to bring up grandchildren, moral and financial support. It was not a coincidence that 2012 was a year of elderly people and solidarity between generations.

Małgorzata Radziewicz

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/01/10/tradycyjne-spotkanie-seniorow-w-mickunach/

Tłumaczenie Karolina Rolka w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Karolina Rolka the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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