

Andrzej Pukszto: Teachers surrounded by cynics

Teachers have been striking in Lithuania for three weeks. Mass meetings took place in front of the parliament and the building of the Ministry of Education and Science, where a
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Summary of the 24th edition of “Best school. Best teacher” competition

Over 70 Polish schools teachers of various subjects from all over the Vilnius region were awarded during the ceremony of the annual competition “Best school. Best teacher” published for the
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Szczypiń: The textbook for the Polish minority in Lithuania is to be adapted

“The result of the work of the expert group is adapted to the Lithuanian reality textbook for educating Polish children in Lithuania”, said Jadwiga Mariola Szczypiń, director of the Education
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Something is changing for the better

At the end of October I had the pleasure to participate in a conference on the theory and practice of legal regulations concerning national minorities. Ljubica Djordjević, Fernand De Varennes,
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Lithuanian language lessons in preschool

The Ministry of Education and Science intends to introduce the obligatory teaching of the Lithuanian language, writes the daily “Lietuvos žinios”. According to the program in preschools, at least five
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Debate in Warsaw: Poles in Lithuania between Vilnius, Warsaw and Moscow

‘ There is a very large group of Poles in Lithuania who does not feel that AWPL (Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania) is a party that represents their interests’
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Bumblauskas: Tomaszewski does not have much in common with Piłsudski

We are dealing with a conflict between Polish and Lithuanian ethnic nationalism. However, no one shapes a civic nationalizm, which based on other principles –  he said in an interview
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Liudkovski: The issue of Polish studies in Vilnius is still not totally solved

“We managed to resolve the issue of the transformation of the Vilnius Simonas Konarskis School into an extended secondary school and maintained the continuity of the recruitment for Polish studies
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Media: places have been allocated at non-existent kindergartens in Vilnius

Local government having proclaimed that it brought an end to queues to kindergartens, in fact, it allocated places at non-existent educational institutions – reports delfi.lt. In May local government announced
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Prime Minister Skvernelis visited Lithuanian community in Poland

Lithuania is willing to help to set up a Centre for Lithuanian Culture and Education and a kindergarten in Suwałki – said the Prime Minister of Lithuania Saulius Skvernelis. On
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