To commemorate with a deed, not a banquet or a speech

On the 6th of July, that is the day before operation “Gate of Dawn”, patriotic youths from Vilnius in cooperation with combatants, renewed six graves of the polish Home Army
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The results of anti-Polish policies

We – the Poles in Wilno area – can count on our situation iproving only when Lithuania will start facing the consequences of its discriminatory policies internationally. And this can
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Polish street signs still a problem

Polish street signs do not allow to rest easy neither Lithuanian media nor government officials, who are prepared to combat every Polish word in Wilno area as though the independence
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Gathering of Polish Tourists in Lithuania, for the first time in Szyrwinty

 The first proper weekend of July passed under the sign of Gathering of Polish Tourists inLithuania. Teams and individual participants met for the twenty-fourth time. There were eight teams participating
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Samsel: Lithuanian bridges…

… are going up in flames left and right. Thus the president ofPolandhas recently summed up the approach Lithuanian government has towards its international relations. Quite accurately. But doesLithuaniastand to
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Grybauskaitė vetoed the Act. There’ll be no Pabradė region

On Wednesday (July 4) Dalia Grybautskaitė, the President of Lithuania, vetoed the amendments to the Law on the territorial administrative units of the Republic of Lithuania and their boundaries which
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Suspect found in an act of vandalism on Józef Piłsudski’s tombstone in Rossa cemetery.

The suspect is a drug addict Vitalijus Celikas, who for many years has been living in the chapel at the cemetery. Celikas himself denies being responsible for the act. On
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It is possible that establishing of Podbrodzie Region will be vetoed by Grybauskaitė

It is possible that Podbrodzie Region will not be established as Dalia Grybauskaitė, the President of Republic of Lithuania may veto the amendments to the statue on administrative and territorial
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Official notice of Vilnius also in Polish

Local information may soon be published also in the Polish language. Vilnius authorities have decided to publish official information about the city not only in Lithuanian. Vilnius is in 60%
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A new “List of Lithuania”

The upcoming parliamentary election in Lithuania result as always in establishing of new political parties. Four years ago, the showmen’s party (the National Resurrection Party) had its debut; today, after
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