Kurier Wileński

Kwaśniewski in Vilnius speaking about Ukraine and Polish ethnic minorities

Staying for a few days in Vilnius, former president of Poland Aleksander Kwaśniewski was supposed to discuss with former president Valdas Adamkus the issues of reciprocal interactions in a context
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The Court Leaves the Way For Polish Names Clear?

The parliament, at the request of the linguists, can change the control regulation on spelling of names on the Lithuanian citizens’ identity cards, decided on the 27th of February the
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Over 67 thousand litas for Polish organizations’ projects from Ministry of Culture of the Republic

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania announced results of the competition on grant-aid for organizations of national minorities in Lithuania in 2014. 288 thousand litas were divided and
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Tusk: We are waiting for Lithuania’s decision

The polish-lithuanian idyllic relationship seems to be gone. The unofficial “non-agression pact” accepted unilaterally by the polish side for the time of Lithuania’s presidency in EU died out. In Warsaw
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This year’s Matura exam is coming – Lithuanian again as a ‘mother tongue’…

It is the second time when students from Polish schools in Lithuania will write Matura exam from Lithuanian language on the principles imposed by Lithuanian politicians. Anyway, politicians can persuade
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Two brothers, two fortunes, two countries

Pole, Lithuanian, Žemaičiai, European – All these terms are perfect to describe brothers of Narutowicz – Stanisław (1862-1931) and Gabriel (1865-1922). They were born in Brėvikiai. They had noble origins
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Kiwert – a ski jumper from Vilnius like Małysz or Stoch!

The Olympic competition on the normal hill is already a history and the one on the large hill is still before us. The second gold medal in Sochi, and the
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Surnames – norm in Europe, in Latvia… against the Constitution

The Constitutional Court is again about to state if Lithuanian Poles are allowed to use their Polish surnames or if they will be still forced to use their lithuanianized version.
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Waldemar Tomaszewski: “We need more honesty in the politics”

The head of the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (EAPL), a Member of the European Parliament Waldemar Tomaszewski will take part in the presidential elections that will be held
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The execution of the Polishness In Vilnius Region will be conducted soon

Last week was the deadline for removing the plates with polish street names from polish houses in Vilnius Region. This Lithuanian court’s verdict was supposed to be carried out by
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