Kurier Wileński

On Bernardine Cemetery angel without a head: vandals or nature misbehaviour?

On Bernardine cemetery in Vilnius the angel who was standing on high pedestal was hurt again. The sculpture is near main gate of cemetery. “Kurier Wileński” was informed about the
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Paweł Sobik: Nowhere in Europe did Poles achieve such success

‘Success of political party referring to polish demands has not taken place in any other place in Europe’ – highlighted Dr Paweł Sobik, author of „Akcja Wyborcza Polaków na Litwie
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Poets’ paths attracted poets to Vilnius for the 24th time

Originator and organizer of International Poetic Festival taking place each year in Vilnius, Romuald Mieczkowski, said in his invitation ‘let all the literary paths lead you to Vilia’. There were
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First passport page with original surname spelling

The State Commission of the Lithuanian Language once again looked into the matter of non Lithuanian names and surnames. -We predict the possibility of allowing an original transcription of names
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The first monument of the Piłsudski brothers was built in Zalavas in Lithuania

On the 25th of April, in the evening, in the village Zalavas located in Švenčionys district municipality, the monument dedicated to the Piłsudski brothers Józef and Bronisław will be unveiled.
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Half of Lithuanian Parliament Members do not fear ‘q’, ‘w’ and ‘x’

Half of deputies of the Seimas support the bill, which allows to write names and surnames with latin letters that do not exist in the lithuanian alphabet. -This suggestion does
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The conference on educating national minorities has began in Vilnius

On the 6th of April in the House of Polish Culture in Vilnius was held a three-day international, interdisciplinary conference ‘Study and educating national minorities in Europe : yesterday, today,
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Polish national minority puts national security into danger?

  ‘If Polish society would be given exceptional rights it would give Russia and groups dependent on it a pretext to demand same rights for Russian societies in all Baltic
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Spelling of names and surnames act needed immediately!

European Foundation of Human Rights has been fighting for the rights to original name spelling in Lithuanian documents. Unfortunately courts are often helpless. -We want to show that it is
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Polish education in Lithuania vs state education policy

Today’s issue of Kurier Wileński has been mainly dedicated to discuss the subject of polish education. We present two distinctive points of view concerning, among others, stormy matter of teaching
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