• June 11, 2019
  • 682

Dean of the University of Bialystok’s Branch in Vilnius: I Invite You to Study in Your Native Polish Language

“I wish all high school graduates that you get into your dream universities. And I want to invite you to study in your native Polish language at the Faculty of Economics-Informatics of the  University of Bialystok in Vilnius. You have a choice of different faculties in our University, for instance, studies in the field of IT, Economics and European Studies,” invites the Dean of the Faculty of Economics-Informatics of the University of Bialystok in Vilnius, D.Sc. Mieczysława Zdanowicz, professor at the University of Bialystok.

Dear high school graduates!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations upon your graduation. I wish you further successes, andperseverance, which will be extremely useful during your journey through life. High school graduation is a good start into the adult life. I think that every single one of you will continue your education and complete your higher education as it is a good investment in your future.

I wish all high school graduates that you get into your dream universities. And I want to invite you to study in your native Polish language at the Faculty of Economics-Informatics of theUniversity of Bialystok in Vilnius. You have a choice of different faculties in our University, for instance, studies in the field of IT, Economics and European Studies

I wish you that you achieve all your goals, and let a successful start be just a prelude to your further successes!

D.Sc. Mieczysława Zdanowicz, professor at the University of Bialystok

the Dean of the Faculty of Economics-Informatics of the branch of the University of Bialystok in Vilnius

Translated by Karolina Antos within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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