• July 28, 2017
  • 620

Kwiatkowski: Polish school will not be without polish teachers

Polish studies at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences are necessary, because we already are lacking teachers of polish language in polish schools – says chairman of Macierz Szkolna Józef Kwiatkowski.

‘Macierz Szkolna has done a research of the number and state of teachers at polish schools. We have prepared an analysis of over 2000 teachers of 20 subjects according to work experience, age, status (…). We have made a plan of teachers trainings for 10 years ahead. According to the analysis, we need 27 teachers of early elementary education and even 6 polish teachers’ – said Józef Kwiatkowski in Polskie Radio Dla Zagranicy (Radio Poland).

Chairman of Macierz Szkolna assured that plan has been introduced to authorities of the University in May – one person is supposed to be educated for two professions – polish and early education teachers. According to Kwiatkowki a double profession could attract bigger amount of students.

‘Polish school will not be without early education and polish teachers. If this matter is impossible to be solved in our country, in Lithuania, Macierz will help us’ – he assured. Kwiatkowski said that there might be a possibility for the students to be educated also in Bialystok branch of the University.

On last Monday (17th of July) it has been announced that on the 14th of July polish studies enrollment has been canceled at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. Employees of polish center said that it was a big surprise to them. Administration of the University explained that the faculty was not popular among students – only two people applied until 14th of July. Ministry of Education and Science did not help out financially to educate future teachers of individual subjects. They also informed about canceling enrollment on 64 other faculties at lithuanian universities. Low interest was a main reason for such decision.

Translated by Agnieszka Piontek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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